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Faafomai Holistic

Back Clinic Holistic Medicine Team. O se ituaiga o faamalologa e mafaufau i le tino atoa, mafaufau, agaga, ma lagona o le tagata i le sailiga mo le soifua maloloina lelei ma le soifua manuia. Faatasi ai ma le filosofia faʻafomaʻi atoa, e mafai e se tasi ona ausia le soifua maloloina lelei, o le sini autu o le mauaina o paleni lelei i le olaga. O le faatufugaga ma le faasaienisi o le faamalologa e faatatau i le tagata atoa e ala i le tino, mafaufau, ma le agaga. O le fa'ata'ita'iga e tu'ufa'atasia ai togafitiga masani ma isi togafitiga e puipuia ma togafitia ai fa'ama'i, ma le mea e sili ona taua, ia fa'aleleia le soifua maloloina lelei.

O lenei tulaga o le soifua maloloina atoa o loʻo faʻamatalaina o le le faʻatapulaʻaina ma le taofiofia le tafe o le malosi o le ola o se tagata e ala i le tino, mafaufau, ma le agaga. E aofia ai le saogalemu ma le talafeagai o faiga o su'esu'ega ma togafitiga. E aofia ai le auiliiliga o lagona, siosiomaga, olaga, meaʻai ma elemene faaletino. E taulaʻi i aʻoaʻoga maʻi ma le auai e ala i le faʻamalologa. O foma'i o lo'o fa'atinoina lea ituaiga o vaila'au latou te faia se filifiliga saogalemu, mataalia i su'esu'ega ma togafitiga. E aofia ai aʻoaʻoga mo suiga o le olaga ma le tausia o le tagata lava ia, e pei o le chiropractic.

E Mafai Ona Suia Lau Epigenetic Clock?

E Mafai Ona Suia Lau Epigenetic Clock?

O le matua o se natura o le olaga ma e le mafai ona taofia. Poʻo le mea sili, o le mea lena sa masani ona tatou mafaufauina. Ua talitonu le au suʻesuʻe ile Intervene Immune, Stanford, le Iunivesite o British Columbia, ma le UCLA, e mafai ona suia le tatou uati epigenetic, ma e iai foʻi auala e mafai ai ona ola umi tagata. I le mataupu o loʻo sosoʻo mai, o le a tatou talanoaina ai mea na maua e fesoʻotaʻi ma epigenetics ma le matua.


O le a le Epigenetic Clock?


O le epigenetic uati o se fua faʻatatau o tausaga matua o mea e mafai ona faʻaogaina e faʻatatau ai le matua faʻasologa o tagata poʻo isi meaola e ala i le suʻesuʻeina o le tele o mamanu o le DNA methylation. E ui lava o le matua fuafuaina e le epigenetic uati masani fegalegaleai ma chronological tausaga, e le malamalama atoatoa pe a fai o le DNA methylation talaaga i le epigenetic uati e fesootaʻi tonu ma le matua.


Mo le tele o tausaga, sa maitauina e le au suʻesuʻe suiga o le faʻatulagaina o tausaga ma le DNA methylation. Ae ui i lea, o le manatu o le faʻaaogaina o le "epigenetic clock" ina ia mafai ai ona fuafuaina le faʻasologa o tausaga e ala i le faʻataʻitaʻia o ni mamanu o DNA methylation na muamua faʻatuina e Steve Horvath lea na maua ai le taʻutaʻua ina ua maeʻa lana suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega 2013 i le tusi o talaaga Genome Biology.


O le epigenetic uati e faʻaogaina i suʻesuʻega mo le faʻamatalaina o le matua o se tagata e le mailoa e ala i le toto poʻo isi faʻataʻitaʻiga o mea i le nofoaga o loʻo tupu ai se soligatulafono ma faʻailoga suʻesuʻe e iloa ai le tele o faʻafitauli mo maʻi e fesoʻotaʻi ma le matua, e aofia ai le tele o kanesa. O epigenetic uati e mafai foi ona faʻamamafa pe pe tele ni amioga poʻo ni togafitiga e mafai ona aʻafia ai le epigenetic tausaga.


E fetaui lelei le Epigenetic Age ma Chronological Age?


O le mafuaaga autu e epigenetic uati ma DNA methylation faʻaaogaina e fuafua ai le faʻasologa o tausaga o tagata poʻo isi meaola o loʻo latou fesoʻotaʻi lelei ma le faʻasologa o tausaga i mataupu suesueina. Le uluaʻi suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega i luga o le epigenetic clock lea na faʻasalalau e Steve Horvath i le 2013 aofia ai 353 tagata CpG nofoaga na faʻailoa mai i isi suʻesuʻega muamua.


O nei nofoaga, 193 avea ma sili methylated ma tausaga ma 160 avea itiiti methylated, lea e tau atu ai i le DNA methylation tausaga fuafuaina e faaaoga e iloa ai le epigenetic uati. I le alualu i luma o fua uma na aʻafia ai, e aofia ai tausaga uma o mataʻupu, Horvath matauina se 0.96 fesoʻotaʻiga i le va o le epigenetic tausaga na ia fuafuaina ma le moni faʻasologa o tausaga, ma se mea sese o 3.6 tausaga.


O loʻo fai foi suʻesuʻega o uati epigenetic e fesoasoani e faʻaleleia atili ai le iʻuga o le matua faʻapea foi ma le faʻailoga ma / poʻo le tomai faʻapitoa o nei suʻega. O isi suʻesuʻega e faʻaaoga ai auala a le NGS o loʻo i ai le agavaʻa e faʻaleleia ai le epigenetic uati, ma atili ai ona faʻalautele ia latou ala i le faʻalauteleina o le suʻesuʻega o nofoaga o methylation o DNA i nofoaga uma o le CpG i le genom.


Mafai e Suia O Tatou Epigenetic Uati?


Suesuega suʻesuʻega ua faʻaalia ai o le kanesa e mafai ona suia le epigenetic uati. O nei matauga fautua mai o le epigenetic uati mafai ona suia i lalo o nisi tulaga. O lea, e mafai e le epigenetic uati e mafai ona faʻaogaina e ala i suiga i amioga poʻo togafiti togafiti e faʻagesegese ai i lalo pe ono toe faʻafoi, faʻatagaina tagata e ola umi ma ola maloloina.



E talitonu tagata suʻesuʻe e mafai ona suia a tatou uati epigenetic. I le mataupu na sosoo ai, na matou talanoaina ai mea na maua e fesoʻotaʻi ma epigenetics ma le matua. O le uati epigenetic ose fua ole tausaga olaola lea e mafai ona fa'aoga e fa'atatau ai le fa'asologa o tausaga o tagata po'o isi meaola e ala i le su'eina o le tele o mamanu ole DNA methylation. O le mafua'aga autu e fa'aoga ai uati epigenetic ma le DNA methylation e fa'atatau ai le fa'asologa o tausaga o tagata po'o isi meaola ona e fetaui lelei ma le fa'asologa o tausaga i mataupu su'esu'e. O lo'o su'esu'eina fo'i uati epigenetic o lo'o iai nei e fesoasoani atili i le fa'aleleia atili o le va'aiga o tausaga fa'apea fo'i le fa'ata'ita'iga ma/po'o le fa'ata'ita'iga o nei su'ega. O su'esu'ega su'esu'ega ua fa'aalia ai e mafai e le kanesa ona suia le uati epigenetic. O le mea lea, e mafai ona faʻaogaina le uati epigenetic e ala i suiga i amioga poʻo togafiti togafitiga e faʻagesegese ai pe mafai ona toe faʻaaogaina, faʻatagaina tagata e ola umi ma soifua maloloina. E ala i le suia o tatou uati epigenetic, e mafai foi e fomaʻi soifua maloloina ona faʻatonutonu mataupu tau soifua maloloina e fesoʻotaʻi ma tausaga, e pei ole fula ma tiga faʻatasi. O nei mea e ono mafai ona fesoasoani mo togafitiga faʻamaʻi, o se isi togafitiga e faʻaogaina ai fetuunaiga o le ivi e toe faʻaleleia ai ma le faʻaeteete le faʻaogaina o le tui.�- Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, CCST Insight



Ata o le faʻamamalu suamalie.


Faʻasalaga o le Zesty Beet

Auaunaga: 1
Cook taimi: 5-10 minute

1 grapefruit, peeled ma fasi
1 apu, fufulu ma fasi
1 atoa le pīti, ma ona lau peʻa iai ia oe, mulumulu ma fasi
1 XNUMX-inisi le faʻamau o le faʻaopoopo, fufuluina, fofo ma tata

Le sua o mea uma ile sua maualuga. Sili tautua.



Ata o kapeti.


Naʻo le tasi le kapisi e te maua uma ai meaʻai o lou vitamini i aso uma


Ioe, 'ai na'o le tasi kāloti 80g (2'oz) ua kuka e maua ai le beta carotene mo lou tino e gaosia ai le 1,480 micrograms (mcg) o vaitamini A (e mana'omia mo le fa'afouina o sela pa'u). E sili atu lena nai lo le fa'atonuina o vaitamini A i aso uma i le Iunaite Setete, e tusa ma le 900mcg. E sili le 'ai o kāloti ua vela, aua e fa'amaluluina puipui o sela e mafai ai ona fa'asusu le tele o le beta-carotene. O le fa'aopoopoina o mea'ai maloloina i au mea'ai ose auala sili lea e fa'aleleia atili ai lou soifua maloloina.



O le lautele o a matou faʻamatalaga e faʻatapulaʻaina i le fomaʻi, musculoskeletal, faʻamalositino vailaʻau, soifua maloloina, ma maaleale soifua maloloina mataupu ma / pe faʻatino vailaʻau tala, mataupu, ma talanoaga. Matou te faʻaaogaina le soifua maloloina ma le soifua maloloina faʻataʻitaʻiga e togafitia ma lagolago ai le tausiga mo manuʻa poʻo faʻaletonu o le musculoskeletal system. O a matou pou, mataupu, mataupu, ma malamalamaaga e aofia ai mataupu tau falemaʻi, mataupu, ma mataupu e fesoʻotaʻi ma lagolago tuusao pe le tuusao foi i le matou tulaga lautele o le poto masani. * Na faia e le matou ofisa se taumafaiga talafeagai e tuʻuina atu lagolago lagolago ma ua faʻailoa mai le talafeagai suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega poʻo suesuega lagolagoina tatou pou. Matou te faia foi kopi o lagolago suʻesuʻe suʻesuʻega avanoa i le laupapa ma pe lautele pe a talosagaina. Matou te malamalama o matou aofia ai mataupu e manaʻomia se faʻaopopo faʻamatalaga i le auala e ono fesoasoani ai i se faʻapitoa tausiga fuafuaga poʻo togafitiga togafitiga; o le mea lea, ia toe talanoaina le mataupu mataupu i luga, faʻamolemole lagona saoloto e fesili ia Dr.Alex Jimenez pe faʻafesoʻotaʻi mai matou i 915-850-0900. Le laiseneina (s) Laiseneina i Texas * & New Mexico *


Faʻatonutonuina e Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, CCST




  • Gaoioiga Motif Aufaigaluega. �E mafai moni ona e toe fa'afo'isia lou tausaga epigenetic?� Motugaafa Malosi, 1 Oct. 2019,,certain%20patterns%20of%20DNA%20methylation.
  • Pal, Sangita, ma Jessica K Tyler. �Epigenetics ma le matua.� Saienitisi Maualuga, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 29 Iulai 2016,
  • Matloff, Ellen. �Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall: The Epigenetics of Aging.� Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 25 Ian. 2020,
  • Dowden, Angela. 'Kofe o se Fua ma Isi Le talitonuina Meaʻai Moni Moni.' MSN Soifua Maloloina, 4 Iuni 2020, =mailsignout#image=24.
Faʻafefea ona Aafia le Soifua Maloloina ma le Olaga umi

Faʻafefea ona Aafia le Soifua Maloloina ma le Olaga umi

O suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega ua faʻaalia ai le taua o meaʻai i le soifua maloloina ma le ola umi. O taumafa masani a Amerika, lea e masani ona maualuga i le gaʻo ma le suka, ua fesoʻotaʻi ma le tele o faʻafitauli faʻalesoifua maloloina, e aofia ai le puta, maualuga cholesterol, toto maualuga, ma le maʻisuka ituaiga 2. E le gata i lea, o nei faʻafitauli faʻalesoifua maloloina e mafai ona oʻo atu ai i faʻamaʻi fatugaʻo, fatu fatu, faʻamaʻi Alzheimer, ma le kanesa. “Ae paga lea, o le maʻisuka ituaiga 2 o loʻo alu i le itu sese, ma o loʻo tatou ola umi foi,” o le tala lea a Gary Gibbons, faatonu o le National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. �O lea la ua iai le faitau aofaʻi o tagata matutua ua sili atu le lapopoa, ma ua faateleina le maualuga o le toto maualuga.’ I le mataupu o sosoo mai, o le a tatou talanoaina ai aafiaga o taumafa lelei i le soifua maloloina atoa, soifua maloloina, ma le umi o le ola.


O se taumafataga maloloina e aofia ai:


  • Fualaʻau ma fualaau fai sua
  • Mea'ai susu e maualalo le ga'o, e pei o le yogurt ma le sisi
  • Le paʻu o moa
  • Salmon ma isi i'a, e pei o i'a ma herring
  • Nati ma pi
  • Fatuga atoa
  • Suau'u fuala'au e le o se teropika, e pei o le olive, sana, pinati, ma suauu safflower


Fa'atapula'a Calorie ma le Umi


E tusa ai ma le tele o suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega, meaʻai, ma faʻatapulaʻaina kalori, e fesoʻotaʻi ma le matua lava ia. I le 1930s, suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega i le tele o ituaiga suʻesuʻega faʻataʻitaʻiga, e aofia ai le fefete, drosophila ma c. elegans (laboratory fruit flies and nematodes), isumu, ma isumu, na faʻaalia se fesoʻotaʻiga i le va o taumafa faʻatapulaʻa-kalori ma le umi o le olaga. O tagata suʻesuʻe i aso nei ua amata ona ave nei suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega i le isi tulaga e ala i le iloiloina pe faʻafefea ona tali atu tagata eseese i meaʻai kalori eseese ina ia faʻaalia ai suiga o le tino ma le kenera e fesoʻotaʻi ma le soifua maloloina ma le umi. Ae ui i lea, talu ai e faigata mo tagata ona mulimulitaʻi i soʻo se ituaiga o meaʻai e faʻatapulaʻaina kalori, e le mafai ona faʻamaonia taunuuga o le olaga atoa ma e manaʻomia pea suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻe.


I le isi itu, e mafai e isumu ona tu'uina atu nisi fa'amaoniga ona o le pu'upu'u o lo latou olaga (pe tusa ma le lua tausaga), fa'apea fo'i ma le mafai ona fa'atonutonu vaega uma o le latou si'osi'omaga falesu'esu'e, e aofia ai mea'ai. O le Polofesa JAX Gary Churchill o se tasi o tufuga o se ituaiga fa'apitoa o le koluma o isumu ua ta'ua o le Diversity Outbred (DO). O le fa'ai'uga o le fa'aeteete, fa'atupu fa'atupu fa'atupuina o fa'atupu fa'atupu fa'atupuina, o nei isumu o lo'o fa'aalia ai le ituaiga o suiga fa'anatura e te maua i le faitau aofa'i o tagata. "O le tele o isumu faʻatapulaʻaina kalori i le faitau aofaʻi o DO na ola i se olaga umi tele," o le tala lea a Churchill, "o nisi ua oʻo atu i le toeitiiti atoa le lima tausaga," e tutusa ma se tagata ola pe a ma le 160 tausaga, e tusa ai ma suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega.


Ua tuueseese foi e Churchill DO isumu i ni vaega se tele na tuuina atu i meaai eseese ma tapulaa kalori i lo latou olaga atoa. O manu fa'atonutonu e masani lava ona 'ai i mea'ai ad libitum ('all-you-can-a'). E tele isumu e ave i ai meaai i aso taitasi ae i se aofaiga faaitiitia. O manu anapopogi e tu'uina atu mea'ai ad libitum i le tele o aso ae fa'aalu se vaitaimi i vaiaso ta'itasi e aunoa ma se mea'ai. O isumu uma e maua soo ma tele suʻesuʻega faʻaletino e aoina faʻamaumauga e mafai ona fesoʻotaʻi mulimuli ane ma le umi latou te ola ai. Ma, talu ai o le genomic sequence o isumu uma e lauiloa, o le ufiufi o faʻamatalaga o le physiological e mafai ona fesoasoani i le tuʻuina atu o faʻamatalaga e leʻi tupu muamua i le aʻafiaga o meaʻai, meaʻai, ma le faʻatapulaʻaina o kalori i le soifua maloloina atoa, soifua maloloina, ma le umi o le ola, faatasi ai ma isi faʻamaoniga.


"E ui ina malamalama o le tele o faʻataʻitaʻiga o manu, e pei o le C57BL6/J faʻamaʻi totoʻa, e mafai ona manuia mai le faʻatapulaʻaina o caloric, e iai foʻi faʻamaoniga e faʻaalia ai e mafai ona ese aʻafiaga e faʻatatau i le gaosiga o le manu," o le tala lea a Churchill. �Atonu o le a faapena foi mo le tele o tagata: o le faatapulaaina o caloric atonu e aoga mo le tasi tagata ae le mo le isi. Seiloga e malamalama tagata suʻesuʻe i nei eseesega taʻitoʻatasi, e tatau i fomaʻi soifua maloloina ona matua faʻaeteete e uiga i le fautuaina o suiga o meaʻai ma meaʻai i tagata.� O le malamalama pe faʻafefea ona aʻafia vaega o le soifua maloloina ma le umi o le soifua maloloina e mafai ona oʻo atu ai i togafitiga e mafai ona fesoasoani i le toe faʻafoʻiina o aʻafiaga leaga o le le lelei o taumafa. , e aofia ai fa'afitauli fa'alesoifua maloloina e pei o le fatu fatu ma le ma'i suka.



O suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega ua maua ai le taua tele o meaʻai i le ola umi. O taumafa masani a Amerika, e maualuga le ga'o ma le suka, e feso'ota'i ma le tele o fa'afitauli tau le soifua maloloina, e aofia ai le puta ma le ma'isuka ituaiga 2 e ono o'o atu ai i ma'i fatu, fa'ama'i Alzheimer, ma e o'o lava i le kanesa. E le gata i lea, o le tele o suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega ua maua ai foi o meaʻai, aemaise lava le faʻatapulaʻaina o kalori, e fesoʻotaʻi ma le matua. I le tusiga o loʻo i luga, na matou talanoaina ai faʻamaoniga e faʻaalia ai aʻafiaga o meaʻai lelei i le soifua maloloina ma le umi o le ola. – Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, CCST Insight



Ata o le faʻamamalu suamalie.


Faʻasalaga o le Zesty Beet

Auaunaga: 1
Cook taimi: 5-10 minute

1 grapefruit, peeled ma fasi
1 apu, fufulu ma fasi
1 atoa le pīti, ma ona lau peʻa iai ia oe, mulumulu ma fasi
1 XNUMX-inisi le faʻamau o le faʻaopoopo, fufuluina, fofo ma tata

Le sua o mea uma ile sua maualuga. Sili tautua.



Ata o kapeti.


Naʻo le tasi le kapisi e te maua uma ai meaʻai o lou vitamini i aso uma


Ioe, 'ai na'o le tasi kāloti 80g (2'oz) ua kuka e maua ai le beta carotene mo lou tino e gaosia ai le 1,480 micrograms (mcg) o vaitamini A (e mana'omia mo le fa'afouina o sela pa'u). E sili atu lena nai lo le fa'atonuina o vaitamini A i aso uma i le Iunaite Setete, e tusa ma le 900mcg. E sili le 'ai o kāloti ua vela, aua e fa'amaluluina puipui o sela e mafai ai ona fa'asusu le tele o le beta-carotene. O le fa'aopoopoina o mea'ai maloloina i au mea'ai ose auala sili lea e fa'aleleia atili ai lou soifua maloloina.



O le lautele o a matou faʻamatalaga e faʻatapulaʻaina i le fomaʻi, musculoskeletal, faʻamalositino vailaʻau, soifua maloloina, ma maaleale soifua maloloina mataupu ma / pe faʻatino vailaʻau tala, mataupu, ma talanoaga. Matou te faʻaaogaina le soifua maloloina ma le soifua maloloina faʻataʻitaʻiga e togafitia ma lagolago ai le tausiga mo manuʻa poʻo faʻaletonu o le musculoskeletal system. O a matou pou, mataupu, mataupu, ma malamalamaaga e aofia ai mataupu tau falemaʻi, mataupu, ma mataupu e fesoʻotaʻi ma lagolago tuusao pe le tuusao foi i le matou tulaga lautele o le poto masani. * Na faia e le matou ofisa se taumafaiga talafeagai e tuʻuina atu lagolago lagolago ma ua faʻailoa mai le talafeagai suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega poʻo suesuega lagolagoina tatou pou. Matou te faia foi kopi o lagolago suʻesuʻe suʻesuʻega avanoa i le laupapa ma pe lautele pe a talosagaina. Matou te malamalama o matou aofia ai mataupu e manaʻomia se faʻaopopo faʻamatalaga i le auala e ono fesoasoani ai i se faʻapitoa tausiga fuafuaga poʻo togafitiga togafitiga; o le mea lea, ia toe talanoaina le mataupu mataupu i luga, faʻamolemole lagona saoloto e fesili ia Dr.Alex Jimenez pe faʻafesoʻotaʻi mai matou i 915-850-0900. Le laiseneina (s) Laiseneina i Texas * & New Mexico *


Faʻatonutonuina e Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, CCST




  • Peterson, Joyce Dall'Acqua. �Su'esu'eina le So'oga o le Taumafa-Olaga.� Le Laboratory a Jackson, 15 Nov. 2017,
  • Donovan, Ioane. �Aai mo le Umi o le Ola: Mea'ai mo se Ola Umi, Soifua maloloina.� WebMD, WebMD, 13 Setema 2017,
  • Fontana, Luigi, ma Linda Partridge. �Fa'alauiloaina o le Soifua Maloloina ma le Uumi e ala i Mea'ai: Mai Mea Fa'ata'ita'i i Tagata.� potu, US National Library of Medicine, 26 Mati 2015,
  • Dowden, Angela. 'Kofe o se Fua ma Isi Le talitonuina Meaʻai Moni Moni.' MSN Soifua Maloloina, 4 Iuni 2020, =mailsignout#image=24.

Taumafa ma le Malosi I taimi Nei | El Paso, Tx (2020)

PODCAST: Dr. Alex Jimenez, Kenna Vaughn, Lizette Ortiz, ma Daniel "Danny" Alvarado e talanoaina meaai paleni i taimi nei. I le taimi o le quarantine, ua atili ai ona fiafia tagata i le faʻaleleia atili o lo latou soifua maloloina lautele ma le soifua maloloina e ala i le mulimuli i se taumafataga tatau ma auai i faʻamalositino. O le vaega o tagata atamamai i le nei podcast ofaina eseese o fesoasoani ma togafiti i auala e mafai ona faʻaleleia atili ai lou soifua manuia. E le gata i lea, Lizette Ortiz ma Danny Alvarado talanoa pe faʻafefea ona latou fesoasoani ia latou tagata faʻatau e faʻamanuiaina lo latou tulaga lelei i nei taimi COVID. Mai le 'aina o fualaʻau, fualaʻau,' aʻano pisapisao, gaʻo lelei, ma gaʻo gaʻo oona e aloese mai suka ma gaʻo faigofie e pei o papaʻe papaʻe ma falaoa, mulimuli i se taumafataga lelei ma auai i faʻamalositino ma faʻamalositino o se auala sili lea e faʻaauauina ai lou soifua maloloina lautele ma manuia - Podcast Malamalama

Afai na e fiafia i lenei vitio ma / poʻo ua matou fesoasoani ia te oe i soo se auala
faamolemole lagona le saoloto e te lesitala ma faasoa mai.

Faʻafetai & Faʻamanuia Le Atua.
Dr.Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Personalized Medicine Genetics & Micronutrients | El Paso, Tx (2020)

PODCAST: Dr. Alex Jimenez ma Dr. Marius Ruja talanoaina le taua o vailaʻau faʻapitoa genetics ma micronutrients mo le soifua maloloina lautele ma le soifua maloloina. O le mulimuli i se taumafataga tatau ma auai i le faʻamalositino na o ia e le lava e mautinoa ai o le tino o le tagata o loʻo faʻagaioiga lelei, aemaise lava i le tulaga o tagata afeleti. O le mea e lelei ai, e tele ituaiga suʻega o loʻo avanoa e mafai ona fesoasoani ai i tagata e faʻamautinoa pe i ai ni faaletonu o meaʻai e ono aʻafia ai a latou sela ma sela. Vitamini ma minerale faʻaopopoga mafai foi mulimuli ane fesoasoani fesoasoani faʻaleleia le tagata lava ia aotelega soifua maloloina ma soifua maloloina. E ui atonu e le mafai ona tatou suia ni vaega o tatou genes, Dr. Alex Jimenez ma Dr. Marius Ruja talanoaina o le mulimuli i se taumafataga talafeagai ma auai i le faʻamalositino a o avea le talafeagai supplement, e mafai ona aoga i tatou genes ma faʻalauiloa le soifua manuia. - Podcast Malamalama

Afai na e fiafia i lenei vitio ma / poʻo ua matou fesoasoani ia te oe i soo se auala
faamolemole lagona le saoloto e te lesitala ma faasoa mai.

Faʻafetai & Faʻamanuia Le Atua.
Dr.Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Podcast: Fa'afomai Fa'apitoa Genetics & Micronutrients

Podcast: Fa'afomai Fa'apitoa Genetics & Micronutrients



PODCAST: Dr. Alex Jimenez ma Dr. Marius Ruja talanoaina le taua o vailaʻau faʻapitoa genetics ma micronutrients mo le soifua maloloina lautele ma le soifua maloloina. O le mulimuli i se taumafataga tatau ma auai i le faʻamalositino na o ia e le lava e mautinoa ai o le tino o le tagata o loʻo faʻagaioiga lelei, aemaise lava i le tulaga o tagata afeleti. O le mea e lelei ai, e tele ituaiga suʻega o loʻo avanoa e mafai ona fesoasoani ai i tagata e faʻamautinoa pe i ai ni faaletonu o meaʻai e ono aʻafia ai a latou sela ma sela. Vitamini ma minerale faʻaopopoga mafai foi mulimuli ane fesoasoani fesoasoani faʻaleleia le tagata lava ia aotelega soifua maloloina ma soifua maloloina. E ui atonu e le mafai ona tatou suia ni vaega o tatou genes, Dr. Alex Jimenez ma Dr. Marius Ruja talanoaina o le mulimuli i se taumafataga talafeagai ma auai i le faʻamalositino a o avea le talafeagai supplement, e mafai ona aoga i tatou genes ma faʻalauiloa le soifua manuia. - Podcast Malamalama



[00:00:00] Welcome, guys. We’re Dr. Marius Ruja and myself. We’re going to be discussing some really important topics for those athletes that want the advantage. We’re going to be discussing real important clinical technologies, as well as information technologies that can really make an athlete or even just the average person a little bit more aware of what’s actually happening in terms of their health. There’s a new word out there, and I just have to kind of give you a little heads up, where we’re calling. We’re actually coming from the PUSH fitness center, it’s this huge monster that actually people are still working out late at night tonight and after going to church. So they’re working out and they’re having a good time. So what we want to do is we want to bring in these topics. And today we’re gonna be talking about personalized medicine. Mario, you know, ever heard of that word, Mario? [00:01:04][63.8]


[00:01:05] Yeah, all the time, Alex. All the time. I dream about it? There you go. Mario. [00:01:13][8.3]


[00:01:14] So we’re going to be talking about is the personalized arena of what we have now. We’ve come to a state where a lot of people tell us, hey, hey, you know what? You should have some more proteins, fats, or they come up with some convoluted idea and you’ll end up with your eyes crossed and most of the time more confused than anything else. And you’re pretty much a lab rat to all these different techniques, whether it’s the Mediterranean, low fat, high fat, all these kind of things. So the question is, is that what is specific to it. And I think one of the frustrations that a lot of us have, Mario, is that we don’t know what to eat, what to take, and what’s good for me doesn’t mean that it’s good for my friend. You know, Mario, it’s different. We come from a whole different kind of genre. We live in a place and we’ve gone through things that are different from 200 years ago. What do people do? Well, we’re going to be able to figure this out nowadays in today’s DNA dynamics, though, we don’t treat with these. It just gives us information and it allows us to relate to the issues that are affecting us. Now, today, we’re gonna be talking about personalized medicine and DNA testing and micronutrient assessments. So we’re gonna see what it is that we. How are our genes, the actual predisposing issues, or they’re the ones that give us the workings of our engine? And then also, if it’s good for that, then we also want to know what our level of nutrients is. Right now, I know, Mario, you had a very dear and near question the other day with one of your I think was your daughter. Oh, yeah. What was she? What was her question? [00:02:51][96.9]


[00:02:51] Yeah. So Mia had an excellent question, you know, she was asking me about, you know, utilizing Keratin, which is very predominant in and, you know, athletes, you know, it’s the buzz word, you know. You know, use creatine to build more muscle and such. So the point that I talk to you about, Alex, is, you know, this is something so serious, so, so important that we cannot let in in terms of the sports environment, performance environment. It’s like taking a Bugatti and you’re going, well, you know what? Hey, what do you think about like just putting, like, you know, synthetic oil in? Well, is it the synthetic oil that is necessary or that Bugatti? Well, it’s good because it’s synthetic. Well, no. There are lots of different forms of synthetic. You know, it’s like five-thirty, five-fifteen, whatever it is, the viscosity level. It has to match. So same thing for athletes and especially for Mia, you know, the generality. Well, let them know who Mia is?� [00:04:06][75.0]


[00:04:07] What does she do? What kind of. Oh, yeah. [00:04:08][1.1]


[00:04:08] Mia, you know, Mia plays tennis. So her passion is tennis. And she’s nationally ranked and she plays internationally on the International Circuit ITF. And she’s right now in Austin with Karen and the rest of The Brady Bunch, as I call them, you know, she’s working hard and through all this COVID, you know, kind of disconnect. Now she’s getting back into, you know, the fitness mode. So she wants to optimize. She wants to really, you know, do her very best to catch up and move forward. And the question about nutrition, a question about what she needed. I needed a specific answer, not just general. Well, I think it’s good. You know, good is good and better is best. And the way that we look at it in that conversation of sports performance and also genetic nutritional conversation, functional medicine conversation. It’s like let’s get really functional. Let’s be on point instead of buckshot. [00:05:20][71.3]


[00:05:21] You know, it’s like you can go in and say, you know, it generalities. But in terms of this, there’s not a lot of information that is out there for athletes. And that’s where the conversation linking the genetic and linking the micronutrients. That is phenomenal because as you mentioned, Alex, when we look at the markers, genetic markers, we see the strengths, the weaknesses, we see what’s at risk and what is not. Is the body adaptive or is the body weak? So then we have to address the micronutrients to support. Remember we…� [00:06:00][39.3]


[00:06:00] Talked about that, to support that weakness in that DNA, that genetic pattern with something that we can strengthen. [00:06:11][10.7]


[00:06:12] I mean, you can’t go and change your genetics, but you surely can increase and be specific with your micronutrients to really change that platform and strengthen it and decrease the risk factors. [00:06:23][11.4]


[00:06:24] It’s fair to say now that the technology is such Mario that we can actually find the… I wouldn’t say weaknesses, but the variables that allow us to improve an athlete. At the genetic level. Now, we can’t alter the genes. That’s not what we’re saying, is that there’s a world of what they call SNP or single nucleic polymorphisms where we can actually figure out there’s a certain set of genes that we can’t change like eye color. We can’t do those. Those are very coded in. Right. But there are genes that we can influence through nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics. So when I say nutrigenomics, this is nutrition, altering and affecting the genome right. To a more adaptive or more opportunistic dynamics. Now, wouldn’t you like to know what genes you have that are vulnerable? Wouldn’t she like to know where her vulnerability is? [00:07:18][53.8]


[00:07:18] What do we all want to know? [00:07:19][0.8]


[00:07:19] Whether you’re a high-level athlete or you’re a high-level CEO or you’re just a high-level mom and dad, that’s running around too, from tournament to tournament. [00:07:30][11.0]


[00:07:31] And you cannot afford to have low energy that, you know, when we talked about the markers, you know, that methylation within the body, we want to know, are we processing or how are we doing in terms of the oxidative pattern within ourselves? Do we need that extra boost? Do we need to, you know, increase that green intake, that detoxified pattern, or are we doing well? And this is where when we look at the patterns of genetic markers, we can see that we are well-prepared or we are not well-prepared. Therefore, we have to look at the micronutrients again, those markers to say, are we meeting our needs? Yes or no or are we just generalizing? And I would say 90 percent of athletes and people out there, they’re generalizing. They’re saying, well, you know, taking vitamin C is good and taking vitamin D is good and selenium, you know, that’s good. But again, are you on point? Are we just guessing, right, Alex? [00:08:36][65.4]


[00:08:36] Exactly. That’s the thing. When we’re in that store and there’s a lot of great nutritional centers, Mario, that are out there. And we’re looking at a wall of a thousand products. Right. Crazy, we don’t know where we have holes. We don’t know where we need them. That, you know, there are certain deficiencies. You got bleeding gums. Most likely you’ve got some sort of scurvy or, you know, some sort of issue there that you’re meeting especially. But let’s assume we look at things like scurvy. Right. Well, we know that gums start bleeding well, and it’s sometimes not that obvious, right. That that we need certain things. There are hundreds and thousands of nutrients out there. One of the things that we call them, we call them cofactors, a CO factor is a thing that allows an enzyme to work. Right. So we are a machine of enzymes. And what codes those enzymes? Well, the DNA structure, right. Because it produces the proteins that code those enzymes. Right. So but those enzymes, they have cofactors like minerals, like magnesium, iron, potassium, selenium, as you mentioned, and all different components. As we look at this, this hole that we’re facing a wall. We would love to know exactly where our holes are because, Bob, you’re my best friend says, you know, you should take protein, take whey protein, you should take iron, you should take this. Maybe so. And we’re hit or miss. Right. So today’s technology is allowing us to see exactly what it is, where we have the holes and this point that you mentioned about the holes. [00:10:03][86.7]


[00:10:04] Again, the majority of the factors are not that extreme, like. Like scurvy, you know, bleeding gums. We’re not. I mean, we live in a society where gosh. I mean, Alex, we have all the food that we need. As a matter of fact, we got too many foods. It’s crazy. I mean, again, the issues that we talk about is overeating, not starving. OK. Or we’re overeating and still starving because the nutritional pattern is very low. So that’s a real factor there. But overall, we are really looking and addressing the component of what. [00:10:35][31.4]


[00:10:37] Subclinical issues. You know, we don’t have the symptoms. We don’t really have those big marker symptoms, you know, but we do have low energy, but we do have a low recovery pattern. But we do have that problem with sleep, that quality of sleep. So those, again, are not things that are huge, but those are subclinical, that erode our health and performance little by little. For example, with athletes, they can not be just good. They need to be tip of the spear top. They need to recover so quickly because, in their performance pattern, they do not have time to guess. [00:11:19][41.9]


[00:11:19] And I see that they don’t. You know, as you mentioned, that I mean, most of these athletes, when they want to assess their bodies. They want to know where every weakness is, they’re like scientists or laboratory rats for themselves. They’re pushing their bodies to the extreme from mental to physical to psychosocial. Everything is affecting them, put it in at full throttle. But they want to know. They want to know where that extra edge is. You know what? If I could make you a little bit better. If there was a little hole. What would that amount to? A two more second drop in over a period of time, a microsecond drop? Well, the point is that the technology is there and we have the ability to do these things for people. And the information is coming faster than we can even imagine. [00:12:04][44.8]


[00:12:05] We have doctors around the world, scientists around the world looking at the human genome, and seeing these issues specifically at SNPs, these single nuclear polymorphisms that can be changed or that can be altered or can be assisted in the dietary ways. [00:12:19][14.5]


[00:12:20] Go ahead. I’ll give you one, the InBody. [00:12:23][2.6]


[00:12:24] How about that? Yeah, that’s a tool right there. That is critical for a conversation with an athlete. The InBody is body composition. Yeah. BMI. Yes. You know, you’re looking at it in terms of your hydration pattern. [00:12:37][13.2]


[00:12:38] You’re looking at in terms of like. Yes. Body fat, that whole conversation, everyone wants to know. You know, I’m overweight, my belly fat. Again, we’re talking about how we had conversations on metabolic syndrome. We had conversations on risk factors, you know, high triglycerides, very low… [00:12:53][15.9]


[00:12:54] HDL. High LDL. I mean, those are risk factors that put you in a pattern in that line towards diabetes and that line towards, you know, cardiovascular disease in that line of dementia. But when you’re talking about an athlete, you’re not worried about diabetes. They’re worried about am I ready for the next tournament? And I want to make the cut. [00:13:15][21.0]


[00:13:15] I’m going to the Olympics. That’s yes. [00:13:16][1.1]


[00:13:17] That’s I mean, they’re not, that’s what they want to do and that InBody and the micronutrient that combination of genome nutrition, that genomic nutrition conversation on point allows them to honor their work. Because I’m telling you, Alex, and, you know this, I mean, everyone’s listening to us, you know, if you again. The conversation I share with people is this. Why are you training like a pro when you don’t want to be one? Why are you trained like a pro when you are not eating and have the data to support that pro-level workout? What you’re doing, if you don’t do that, you are destroying your body. So, again, if you’re working like a pro, that means you’re grinding. I mean, you’re pushing your body to limits, neuromuscular. Again, we’re chiropractors. We deal with inflammatory issues. If you’re doing that, you’re redlining that. But you are not turning around to recover through micro nutrition-specific chiropractic work. Then you’re going to damn it, you’re not going to make it. [00:14:25][68.4]


[00:14:26] We’re going to show that we’ve been able to see in a lot of times cities come together for certain sports, such as wrestling. Right. Wrestling is one of those notorious sports that puts the body through massive, massive emotional and physical stresses. But a lot of times what happens is individuals have to lose weight. You’ve got to have guys hundred sixty pounds. He’s got to drop down 130 pounds. Right. So what the city has done in order to avoid these things is to use specific bodies, specific weight, and they determine actually what’s the molecular weight of the urine. Right. So they can actually tell you are you too concentrated. Right. So what they do is that they have all these kids line up all the way to UTEP. Right. And they do a specific gravity test to determine if they’re able to lose any more weight or what’s the weight that they’re allowed to lose. So someone who’s about 220 says, you know what? You can drop up to about, you know, X, Y, Z pounds. Right. [00:15:19][53.4]


[00:15:20] Based on this test and if you violate this, then you do that. But that’s not good enough. We want to know what’s going to happen because what happens is when the kids in a load and he’s fighting another person that isn’t just as good of an athlete. And he’s pushing his body. That’s when the body. Collapses, the body can handle the load. But maybe the supplementation that the person has had, maybe their calcium has been so depleted that all of a sudden you’ve got this kid who’s 100 injuries, pops say it again, injuries, the elbow snaps he has dislocated. That’s what we see. And we wonder, how did he snap his elbow because his body has been depleted from these supplements. [00:15:58][38.0]


[00:15:59] And, Alex, on the same level, you’re talking about one on one, like that pugilistic, that intense three minutes of your life on the other level when it comes to tennis. That’s a three-hour conversation. Exactly. There are no subs, there is no coaching, no subs. You are in that gladiator arena. I mean, when I see Mia playing, okay. I mean, it is intense. I mean, every ball that’s coming to you, it’s coming to you with power. It’s coming in like, can you take this? It’s like someone like fighting across a net and looking at it. Are you going to quit? Are you going to chase this ball? Are you going to let it go? And that is where that definitive. The factor of…� [00:16:46][46.6]


[00:16:47] Optimal, optimal micronutrition connected with the conversation of what exactly do you need in terms of genomic conversation, will allow someone to scale up with a decrease risk factor of injuries where they know they can push themselves more and they have the confidence. [00:17:09][21.4]


[00:17:09] Alex. Alex, I’m telling you, this is not just nutrition. This is about the conference to know I got what I need and I can redline this thing. And it’s going to hold. [00:17:21][11.2]


[00:17:21] It’s not going to buckle. You know, that said, you know, I got a little Bobby. He wants to wrestle and he wants to be in. And the biggest nightmares, the moms, because you know what? They’re the ones that want Bobby to thump the other Bobby. Right, Bob or Billy. Right. And when their kids are getting thumped on, they want to provide them. And moms are the best cooks. They’re the ones they take care of. Right. They’re the ones that make sure. And you can see it that the pressure on the child is immense when parents are watching. And sometimes it’s just incredible to watch. But what can we give moms? What can we do for the parents to give them a better understanding of what’s going on? I’ve got to tell you, today’s with DNA tests, you know, all you have to do is kind of get the kid in the morning, open his mouth, you know, do a swab, drag that stuff off the side of his cheek, put it in a little done, done within a couple of days. What we actually can tell if Bobby’s got strong ligaments, if Bobby’s micronutrient levels are different in order to provide the parent with a better kind of, um, kind of a roadmap or a dashboard to be able to understand the information that’s affecting Bobby, so to speak. Right. [00:18:26][65.3]


[00:18:27] Because and this is what we’ve come to a long way. This is 2020 guys, 2020. This is not 19. You know, 75. No. [00:18:37][10.2]


[00:18:37] You know where Gatorade. Come on. Let’s talk about that Gatorade. I got my tub. I got my tub. And he’s got a lot of things on the side of it. I’m going to have everything. You look like Buddha. By the time you become diabetic with so much sugar, you’re eating. What is your thinking about this? [00:18:52][14.8]


[00:18:52] We have come to a long way, but we cannot just go in and go, oh, you need to hydrate here, you know, drink these electrolytes, Pedialyte and all that. That’s not good enough. I mean, that’s good. But it’s 2020, baby. You got to scale up and level up and we can’t use old data and old, you know, instrumentation and diagnostics because the kids now they’re starting at three years old, Alex. Yeah. Three years old. And I’m telling you right now at three, it is unbelievable. By the time they’re five and six, I mean. [00:19:29][36.8]


[00:19:30] I mean, I’m telling you the kids that I see they’re already in select teams, six years old and the select team is the thing. You know what, the thing that determines if a child is ready is attention span. Yeah. I got to tell you, you can watch this. You got to see a kid who’s at three years and six months and he ain’t paying attention three years and eight months. All of a sudden, he can focus more in front of the coach. Right. Yes. And you can tell because they wander and they’re not ready. [00:19:57][27.4]


[00:19:57] So we’re bringing the kids and we’re exposing them to loads, experiences. Then what we need to do is to give moms and dads the ability to understand and as well as athletes of NCAA. How can I see what’s actually happening in my bloodstream? Not a CBC, because the CBC is for basic stuff. You basically, you know, basic you know, a red blood cell, a white blood cell. We can do things. Metabolic panel tells us a generic thing, but now we know deeper, deeper information. Mario, we can go into the susceptibility of the gene markers and actually see this on tests. And these reports tell us exactly what it is and how it pertains. [00:20:35][37.5]


[00:20:35] And progression. So this is where I love. This is where I love, everything in the world of performance is pre and post. So, you know, when you’re a sprinter, they time you. [00:20:49][13.7]


[00:20:50] It’s electronic time. When you’re a wrestler, they look at you. You know, what’s your winning ratio? What’s your percentage? Anything. It’s all data. It’s data-driven. As a tennis player, as a soccer player, they will actually track you. Computers will actually track how strong, how fast is your serve? Is it 100 miles an hour? I mean, it is crazy. So now if you have that data. Alex, why is it that we do not have the same data for the most critical component, which is that biochemistry, that micronutritional, the foundation of performance is what happens inside of us, not what happens outside. And this is where people get confused. They think, well, you know, my kid works, you know, four hours a day and he has a private trainer, everything. My question is that is really good. But you’re putting that kid at risk if you are not supplementing on point, just as specifically when it comes to the special needs of that child or of that athlete, because if we don’t do that, Alex, we are not honoring the journey and the battle, that warrior, we’re not, we’re putting them at risk. And then all of a sudden, you know what, two, three months before a tournament, pulled a hamstring. Oh, you know what? You know, they got fatigued or all of a sudden they had to pull out of a tournament. You know, I see tennis players doing all of that. And why? Oh, they’re dehydrated. Well, you should never have that problem. You should already know before you go in exactly where you are, what you’re doing. [00:22:29][99.3]


[00:22:29] And I love the combination and a platform that we have for all of our patients, because within two, three months, we can show pre and post, can’t we? We can show, yes. Lists and body composition to the InBody systems and the systems that we use are incredible. These Dexas, we can actually do a bodyweight fat analysis. We can do a lot of things. But when it comes down to predispositions and what’s unique to individuals, go down to the molecular level. We can go down into the genes level and understand what the susceptibilities are. We can go on once we have the genes. We can also understand what the micronutrient level is on each individual. [00:23:09][39.4]


[00:23:09] So what’s pertaining to me? I may have more magnesium than you and the other child may have totally depleted magnesium or calcium or selenium and/or his proteins or its amino acids are shot. Maybe he’s got a digestive issue. Maybe he’s got lactose intolerance. We need to be able to figure out these things that affect them and we can’t guess. [00:23:29][20.0]


[00:23:30] And we know. The bottom line is there’s no need. [00:23:32][1.6]


[00:23:32] Everyone has that wonderful conversation, Alex, about, oh, you know what? I feel okay. When I hear that I cringe, I go, I feel okay. So you mean to tell me that you are putting your health, the most precious thing you have, and your performance based on a feeling like, wow, that means that your neuroreceptors in terms of pain tolerance are dictating your health. That’s dangerous. That is completely dangerous. And also subclinically, you’re not able to feel your deficiency in terms of vitamin D, your deficiency in terms of selenium, your deficiency in terms of vitamin A, E, I mean, all of these markers, you’re not, you can’t feel it. [00:24:21][49.2]


[00:24:22] You know, we need to start presenting to the people out there the information that’s out there, because what we want to let people know is that we’re going deep. We’re going down to this gene susceptibilities, that gene understanding as it is today. [00:24:34][12.5]


[00:24:35] What we have learned is so powerful that it allows parents to understand a whole lot more of the issues pertaining to an athlete. Not only that, but the parents want to know what are my susceptibility? Do I have a risk of bone arthritis? Do we have issues of oxidative stress? Why do I always inflame all the time? Right. Well, believe it or not, if you’ve got the genes for let’s say you’ve got the gene that makes you eat a lot, well, it’s likely that you’re going to gain weight. You can raise 10000 people’s hands who have that same gene marker and you’re going to notice that they’re BIA’s and BMIs are way out of there because it’s the susceptibility to that. Now, can they change it? Absolutely. That’s what we’re talking about. We’re talking about understanding the ability to adapt and to change our lifestyle for the predispositions that we may have. [00:25:26][50.9]


[00:25:26] Yeah, and this is wonderful. And I see this quite frequently in terms of the conversation about losing weight, you know, and they go, oh, I did this program and it works great. And then you have 20 other people doing the same program and it’s shot. It doesn’t even work. And it’s almost like hit or miss. So people are becoming disillusioned. They’re putting their bodies through this incredible roller coaster ride, which is like the worst thing you could do. You know, they’re doing these extreme things and but they can not sustain it because why? At the end of the day, it’s not who you are. [00:26:02][35.8]


[00:26:02] It wasn’t for, it’s not who you are. You may need a different type of diet. Yes. [00:26:06][3.6]


[00:26:07] And so we. And again, our conversation today is very general. And we’re kind of starting this platform together because we have to educate our community and we have to share the latest in technology and science that addresses the needs. [00:26:26][19.1]


[00:26:26] Personalized medicine, Marius. It’s correct. [00:26:28][1.5]


[00:26:28] Personalized health, personalized fitness. We understand that. We don’t have to guess if a diet is better for us, such as a low calorie, a high-fat diet or a Mediterranean style food or a high protein diet. We won’t be able to see that from the information that we’re continuously gathering, these scientists are putting information together and it’s compiled and it’s here and it’s a swab away or blood work away. It’s crazy. You know what? And this information, of course, you need to. And let me be mindful. Before this started, my little disclaimer comes in. This is not for treatment. Do not take anything. We’re taking this for treatment or for diagnosis. You got to talk to your doctors and your doctors have to tell you exactly what’s up there and what’s appropriate for every individual. We integrate. [00:27:17][48.9]


[00:27:18] The point is this. We integrate with all of the health care professionals, all the physicians, we are here to support and champion the functional wellness. Okay. And as you mentioned, we’re not here to treat these diseases. We’re not, we’re here to optimize again when athletes come in and they want to be better. They want to get healthier and help the recovery rate. [00:27:46][27.2]


[00:27:46] You know, the bottom line is the tester there. We can actually see Billy has not been eating well, OK? Billy has not been eating well. I can tell you well, he eats everything no, but he hasn’t had this level of proteins. Look at his protein depletion. So we’re going the present to you some of these studies out here, because it’s information, though, it’s a little complex, but we want to make it really, really simple. And one of the things that we were talking about here is the micronutrient test that we were actually providing here. Now I’m going to present it to you so you can see it a little bit here. And what we are using is some in our office when a person comes in and says, I want to learn about my body. We present this micronutrient assessment where we can actually figure out what’s going on. Now, this was one that was, let’s say, just it was in a sample for me, but it kind of tells you where the individual is. We want to be able to level the antioxidant level. [00:28:33][47.0]


[00:28:34] Now, everyone knows that if that. Well, not everyone. But now we understand that if our genes are optimal and our food is optimal, but we live in an oxidative stress state. Exactly. Our genes will not function. So it’s important to understand what the, it’s rust. [00:28:50][16.3]


[00:28:51] It’s I mean when you’re looking at this and I see two markers, I see the one for oxidative and then the other one is the immune system. Yes. Right. Yeah. So again, they correlate together. But they are different. So the oxidative I talk about it about rusting. Like your system is rusting out. Yes. Yeah. That’s oxidation. You see apples turning brown. You see metals rusting. So inside you want to absolutely be at your best, which is in the green. And that’s 75 to 100 percent exact functional rate. Exactly. That means you can handle the craziness of the world. Mario, you know? Stress. Yes. [00:29:31][40.8]


[00:29:32] So we can yes, we can look at the stress of the human body. Mario, we can see, is actually what’s going on. So as I continue with this kind of presentation here, we can kind of see what this individual is and what is his actual immune function age. So people want to know this stuff. I mean, I want to know where I lie in terms of the dynamics of the body. Right. So when I look at that, I can actually see exactly where I lie. And my age is 52. OK, in this particular situation. OK. Now, as we look down, we want to know at. Hold on. Hold on. Let’s get real. [00:30:03][31.6]


[00:30:04] So you mean to tell me that through this incredible system that we can actually get younger? Is that what you’re telling me? [00:30:14][9.5]


[00:30:14] Well, it tells you if you’re aging quicker. How’s that sound, Mario? So if you can slow down, if you’re in that top 100, the green, you’re going to be looking like a 47-year-old man when you’re 55. Right. So, from the structure, from the immune function, from the oxidative stresses in the body, what’s gonna happen is, is that we’re going to be able to see exactly where we are in terms of our body. [00:30:37][23.4]


[00:30:37] So that is correct. Yes. So we could be, our birth certificate could say 65, but our metabolic functional markers can say you’re 50. [00:30:50][12.4]


[00:30:51] Yes. Let me make it real simple. Yeah. People sometimes understand that oxidative stress is. It is. We hear about antioxidants. Yes. And reactive oxygen species. Let me make it simple. We’re a cell, you and I. We’re having a family meal right, we’re enjoying ourselves. We are normal cells. We’re happen. We’re functioning where everything is properly. All of a sudden, there’s a wild-looking lady got blades and knives and she’s greasy and she’s slimy. And she comes on. She hits the table, boom. And she kind of walks away. You know, it’s gonna unsettle us. Right? It’s going to be… Let’s call her an oxidant. OK. She’s an oxidant. She’s called a reactive oxygen species. Now, if we got two of those walking around the restaurant, we kind of keep an eye on her. Right. All of a sudden, a football player comes and takes her out. Boom. Knocks her out. Right in that situation, this greasy, slimy weapon looking lady. Right. That’s kind of scary. That was an antioxidant. That was a vitamin C. It just wiped her out, right? There’s a balance between oxidants and antioxidants in the body. They have different purposes, right? We have to have antioxidants and we have to have oxidants in order for us to body to function. [00:31:58][67.2]


[00:31:59] But if all of a sudden you got eight hundred of those ladies, walking around like zombies, I can just see that. Zombies man. [00:32:08][8.9]


[00:32:08] You know what you’re going to want. We’re football players. We’re the antioxidants. Right. Take them out. Take them out. Football players come in. But there are just too many of them, right. Anything that you and I do in a conversation, we could be healthy cells. And we’re having this conversation at the dinner table. Right. We’re disrupted totally. We cannot function in an oxidative stress environment. No. [00:32:31][22.9]


[00:32:31] So basically, we may have all the supplements and we may have all the nutrients and we may have the proper genetics. But if we’re in an oxidative state. Right. An elevated level, we are not going to be aged. It is not going to be a comfortable night. And we will not recover. We will be at a higher risk factor for injuries. Exactly. And the other thing is, we also have the risk factor where we will age faster than we should. [00:33:04][32.5]


[00:33:04] That night would be really rough. If there’s like one hundred of those people. [00:33:07][2.8]


[00:33:07] The balance in life, in the antioxidants, we have A, E, C, and all the foods that are antioxidants. We need to know the state. That is what this test does. It actually shows you the level of antioxidants. Hey. [00:33:19][11.8]


[00:33:20] Hey, let me ask you this, Alex. Everyone loves to work out. When you work out. Does that increase or decrease your oxidative stress? [00:33:28][8.8]


[00:33:29] Please tell me. It increases your oxidative stress. You’re right. No, no, no. Stop it. No, it doesn’t. No, because you’re breaking the body down. However, the body responds. And if you are, if we are healthy, Mario, if we are healthy. Right. Our body first has to break down and it has to repair. Okay. In that process, we want to have antioxidants because it helps us go through the process. Part of healing and part of inflammation is oxidative balance. So in essence, when you’re working out too hard or you’re running hard, you can overburn the bar, there you go. And those are the things that you and I have to kind of look at. And when people, and this is the balance. Now, this is a balance that is like the paradox. [00:34:10][41.5]


[00:34:11] Right. You know what? If you overwork, you’re gonna look awesome. But you know what? You’re actually breaking down. And if you don’t work out, there goes your cardio. There goes. I mean, other risk factors. Yeah. Right. So this is where it is so critical that we need to balance and know specifically what each person needs to be at their best. And they. And we can’t guess. No. You can’t take the same supplements as, I can’t take the same supplements as you. We can. [00:34:41][30.1]


[00:34:42] We can. But it may not be. It may be a lot of waste of money. We may just be missing the whole process. Exact. So in this whole dynamics, you’re just losing this test, Mario. Just using it at this particular assessment. We want to be able to see also what our cofactors on. We talked about proteins, we talked about genetics. We talked about things that make these enzymes work, our body functions, and pure enzymes. [00:35:02][20.9]


[00:35:03] In this particular one, you’re actually seeing what the cofactors are and what the metabolites are. Well, you see amino acids. There are levels where they are in your body. If you’re an extreme athlete, you want to know that those things are. [00:35:14][11.0]


[00:35:14] Oh, yeah. I mean, look at that. Those aminos. Those are critical. I mean, you know, I’m sorry, Mario, you think. Yeah. I mean, you know, it’s like every athlete I know, they’re like, hey, I got to take my aminos. My question is, are you taking the right ones at the right level and or do you even know? And they’re guessing, you know, 90 percent of the people are guessing. You’re looking at antioxidants. Look at that. That’s the beast right there, glutathione. That’s like the granddaddy of antioxidants right there. Exactly. And you want to know is that football players, that linebacker gonna, like, crush those zombies, you know? And again, vitamin E, I mean, CoQ10. Everyone talks about CoQ10. What? Heart health. Right. Coenzyme Q10. Yes. Right. Exactly. Yeah. [00:36:02][47.6]


[00:36:02] A lot of people taking cardiac medication specifically to lower the cholesterol. [00:36:07][4.7]


[00:36:08] Well, they’ve pulled the beta-blockers. What does it do to CoQ10?. Don’t get me started. I want to get started, man. As you know what? [00:36:15][7.6]


[00:36:16] Documentation came out early on when they did a lot of these medications. They knew they had to end and put Coenzyme Q in it. They did. They knew. And they patented it because they knew that they had it. Because if you don’t give coenzyme Q Right. What happens is you have them having inflammatory states. People have issues that are just, they’re starting to understand now. That’s why you see all the commercials with the coenzyme. But the point is here is this. We need to know where our present state is at. Right. So when we understand those things, we can take a look at tests as these and we can actually look at the dynamics of it, wouldn’t you like to know which of these antioxidants, it’s so clear? [00:36:52][35.5]


[00:36:52] I love that. Exactly. Look at that. You know what? It’s red. Green, black. I mean, that’s it. I mean, you can see it right away. This is your board. This is your command center. You know, I love the command center. I say everything’s there. [00:37:09][16.7]


[00:37:10] I know. Mario, you know, with those athletes, they want to be at the top level. Yes. It looks like this person’s kind of floating somewhere. [00:37:15][5.7]


[00:37:16] But they want to top in at one 100 percent. Alex, they’re on a bench, they’re on a bench, baby. Yeah. [00:37:23][6.6]


[00:37:24] And when they’re under a lot of stress, who knows what they are. Now, these tests are really simple to do. They’re not complex to go in. Take a lab test, sometimes… [00:37:30][6.3]


[00:37:30] These are urine tests. We can do those in our offices in a matter of minutes. [00:37:35][5.0]


[00:37:36] Exactly. In a matter of minutes. Crazy. That’s crazy. This is why it’s so simple. [00:37:41][4.9]


[00:37:42] It’s like my question is what color is the red bus? [00:37:45][3.5]


[00:37:47] I don’t know. No, it’s a trick question. [00:37:49][2.2]


[00:37:50] Well, going back into what our topic was today was personalized medicine and personalized wellness. Personalized fitness. Doctors around the country are starting to understand that they can not just say, OK, you’re pregnant. Here’s a folic acid bill. OK, here are some nutrients, though every doctor has to be taking care of their own clients. They’re the ones that are doing this. But people have the ability to understand, where are the other holes? [00:38:15][24.8]


[00:38:15] Wouldn’t you want to make sure you have the right selenium before you have symptoms? That’s the thing before. And this is why we are not treating issues, diagnosed issues. We’re not. We’re saying, what are you doing to optimize and decrease your risk factors? [00:38:35][19.3]


[00:38:36] There’s the issue of longevity, too. Because, I mean, the issue of longevity is if you’re providing your body with the right such substrates, the right cofactors, the right nutrition, your body has a chance to make it to a hundred years plus. Plus. Exactly right. And actually function. And if you have a depleted life, well, you’re burning the engine. So the body starts having issues, you know, so as we look at those kind of things. [00:38:59][23.3]


[00:38:59] If you go back, can you go back to our two markers, the immune. [00:39:04][4.4]


[00:39:06] Yeah, antioxidants. Look at that. ImmunoDex. [00:39:10][3.8]


[00:39:11] ImmunoDex. There’s a reason why they stop here at 100, because that’s the whole idea. The whole idea is to get you to live 100, centennial. Right. So we if we can do this, if you’re a person who is, let’s say, 38 years old and you’re in the midst of your life and let’s say you’re a business person and you’re a junkie for business, you’re a junkie for entrepreneurship. Right. You want to throttle, you against the world. You do not want a kind of Nicholas the worm weakness, so to speak, taking you out of your football run in life. Right. Because otherwise, you can trip up on things. And what we want to be able to do is provide people through nutritionists, through registered dietitians to doctors through the information out there to better supplement your lives. And it’s not just about little Bobby. It’s about me. It’s about you. It’s about our patients. It’s about every single one of them who wants to live a better quality of life. Because if there’s a depletion in certain things, it’s not now. But in the future, you may have a susceptibility that will bring out diseases. And that’s where those susceptibilities. We can take it to the next level because we can actually see what’s actually going on in terms of this. I’m going to go ahead and bring this back up here so you can to see what we’re looking at. You can actually see the B complexes. Now, we have a lot of B complexes. [00:40:33][81.2]


[00:40:34] And we basically oh, we got people texting all over the place here. [00:40:38][4.1]


[00:40:38] And I’m getting zapped with messages. Your oxidative stress is going up, Alex. [00:40:44][6.0]


[00:40:45] Well, it’s crazy that we’ve been here an hour, so we want to be able to bring information out for you guys as time goes on. I want to go through this and talk about the individual antioxidants. Now, individuals, your football players, man, she was taking those people out right, really making your whole life a lot better. Right. Mario, this is the kind of stuff that we look at. You know, your glutathione and your coenzyme. [00:41:06][21.0]


[00:41:06] Selenium, your vitamin E, carbohydrate metabolism. Look at that. I mean, glucose and insulin interaction that is called energy, baby. [00:41:16][9.6]


[00:41:17] And I know that’s called turbo. Last time I checked, you know. Listen, we got a lot of good doctors. We do. We got like Dr. Castro out there. We got all great doctors out there that really understand. We’re running over.� [00:41:29][12.6]


[00:41:30] I mean, this is like we’re going to get in trouble. Facebook is going to knock us out. [00:41:37][7.6]


[00:41:38] Facebook is going to put a time limit on this. I think it’s actually about an hour. But the bottom line is, we really start to work on, this can’t cover everything this time. Hey, Mario, when I went to school, we were terrorized by this machine called Krebs Cycle. For those of you, how many ATPs, Alex, tell me how many. Thirty-two is it glycolysis or anaerobic. Right. [00:42:06][27.5]


[00:42:06] So when we start looking at that, we start seeing how those coenzymes and those vitamins play a role in our energy metabolism. Right. So in this individual, there were certain depletions. You can see where the yellow comes in. It affects them, the whole metabolic process, the energy production. So the person is always tired. Well, we kind of understand the dynamics of what’s going on. So this is critical information, as you and I kind of look at this. Right. We can say, what is it that we can offer? We can offer information to better, dynamically change the way the body works. Right. So this is a crazy right. So in terms of it, we can go on and on, guys. So what we’re going to be doing is we’re probably going to be coming back because this is just fun. You think so? Yeah, I think we’re going to come back. We’ve got to change the way that all El Paso is and not only for our community but for the people that that those moms, those moms that want to know what is the best for their family members. What can we offer? The technology is not, we’re not going to allow ourselves in El Paso to be ever called the fattest, sweatiest town in the United States. We do have unbelievable talent out here that really can teach us about what’s going on. So I know that you’ve seen that, correct? Yeah, absolutely. [00:43:18][72.2]


[00:43:19] And what I can say is this, Alex. It’s about peak performance and peak ability and also getting the right specific. Customized. Genomic nutrition pattern free for each individual. And that is the game-changer. That’s the game-changer all the way from longevity, all the way to performance and just being happy and living the life that you were meant to live. [00:43:50][31.0]


[00:43:51] Mario, I can just say that when we look at this stuff, we get really excited about, as you can tell. But it affects all our patients. People come in all depleted, tired, in pain, inflamed, and sometimes we just, you know, we need to go find out what it is. And we in our scope, we are mandated to be responsible and to figure out where this lies in our patient’s problems, because what we’re doing, if we help their structure, the musculoskeletal neurological system, their mind system through a proper diet and through understanding, through exercise, we can change people’s lives. And they want to be able to fulfill their lives and enjoy their lives the way it should be. So there’s a lot to be said. So we’re gonna come back in probably sometime next week or this week, and we’re gonna continue this topic on personalized medicine and personalized wellness and personalized fitness because working with many doctors through integrative wellness and integrative medicine allows us to be a part of a team. Well, we have G.I. doctors, you know, cardiologists. There’s a reason we work as teams together because we all bring a different level of science. There’s you know, no team is complete without a nephrologist. And that dude is gonna figure out exactly the implications of all the things we do. So that cat is very important in the dynamics of integrative wellness. So in order for us to be able to be the best kind of providers, we have to expose and tell people about what’s out there, because a lot of people don’t know. And what we need to do is we need to bring it to them and let the cards lie and teach them that they have to tell their doctors, hey, doc, I need you to talk to me about my health and sit down, explain to me my labs. And if they don’t, well, you know what? Say you need to do that. And if you don’t, well, time to find a new doctor. OK. It’s that simple because today’s information technology is such that our doctors can not neglect nutrition. They can not neglect wellness. They can not neglect the integration of all the sciences putting together to make people healthy. This is one of the most important things that we got to do. It’s a mandate. It’s our responsibility. And we’re going to do it. And we’re gonna knock it off the ballpark. So, Mario, it’s been a blessing today and we’ll continue to do this in the next couple of days and we’ll keep on hammering and given people the insights as to what they can do in terms of their science. This is a health voice 360 channel. So we’re going to talk about a lot of different things and bring a lot of different talents. Thanks, guys. And you got anything else, Mario? [00:46:10][138.8]


[00:46:11] I’m all in. All right, brother. Talk to you soon. Love you, man. Bye. [00:46:11][0.0]




Podcast: The Functional Medicine Fellas | O le a lena? & O Ai i Latou?

Podcast: The Functional Medicine Fellas | O le a lena? & O Ai i Latou?


PODCAST: Ryan Welage ma Alexander Jimenez, o tamaiti aʻoga faafomaʻi i le National University of Health Science, talanoaina le tele o auala fou na latou atiaʻe ina ia fesoasoani ai i tagata e faʻaauau pea ona auai ma auai i le faʻamalositino mai le mafanafana oo latou lava fale. I le faʻaaogaina o lo latou malamalama lelei i faʻafomaʻi o vailaʻau, biomekanika, ma meaʻai, latou te faʻamatalaina ni auala faigofie ma ni metotia mo faʻagaioiga faigata o gaioiga. E le gata i lea, Alexander Jimenez ma Ryan Welage e talanoaina pe faʻafefea ona avea meaʻai ma mea taua i le soifua maloloina ma le soifua maloloina. Dr. Alex Jimenez o loʻo ofoina atu ni faʻasinoga faʻaopoopo ma le Functional Fitness Fellas, faʻatasi ai ma isi fautuaga. - Podcast Malamalama



[00:00:11] O lea ua tatou ola, o lea la i le taimi nei, o loʻo tatou talanoaina tonu pe faʻafefea ona tatou agai i le auala. Tama, e mafai ona e fa'alogo mai lelei? Ioe. Ioe. Ua lelei. Ei, Ryan. Alex, o a mai oe? [00:00:23][11.5]


[00:00:24] E lelei tele, e le leaga tele. [00:00:25][0.8]


[00:00:26] Ei, faalogo mai. Ia lelei, e, lelei, o le asō o le a tatou talanoaina sina mea e uiga i lau mea o fai. Aemaise lava, o le a tatou talanoa e uiga i le malosi galue. Ma o le manatu e faapea o nei alii talavou e toalua o loo faafiafia. O lea, Ryan Welage ma Alexander Jimenez o tamaiti aʻoga faafomaʻi i fafo i le Iunivesite Aoao o le Soifua Maloloina. Ma o le a matou talanoa e uiga i le malosi faʻapitoa ma mea o loʻo latou faia i fafo. O lea matou te aumaia i matou i le nuʻu ma o le a matou faʻasalalau ma o le a matou vaʻai pe faʻafefea moni lava. O lea la i le taimi nei, ou te vaʻai o loʻo matou i luga o le Facebook live ma o loʻo faʻasalalau atu i nai tagata. O lea la, o sina mea itiiti e uiga i le fa'aogaina o le malosi ma mea na e filifili e fai nei. Fa'atino o lona uiga tatou te maua le auala sa'o o gaioiga ma fa'amalosi. Ae ou te fia iloa sina mea e uiga i mea na outou faia ina ua outou atiaʻe lenei faalapotopotoga fou ua taʻua o le Functional Fitness Fellows. O a tagata faigaluega malosi? E mafai e se tasi o outou ona tali mai. Ei, Alex, aisea e te le alu ai, tu'itu'i i fafo ma ta'u mai le mea ua e faia. [00:01:30][64.0]


[00:01:32] O lea la, ina ua matou filifili muamua e fai le manatu, sa sili atu ona o le manaʻomia. Na matou maua le manatu. O lea la i lenei faʻamaʻi atoa i se tulaga karantina, na faʻamalosia i matou e suʻe ni auala fou e fai ai. Ma sa ma iloaina ma Ryan lena mea. E te iloa, o mea mamafa o le tino e masani lava e le mafai ona tipi. O le a la se mea e mafai ona matou faia e amata ai ona faʻatinoina se ituaiga o teteʻe ma o ia ma na amata ona matou tilotilo i ...� [00:01:59][27.2]


[00:02:00] Ituaiga seti o le mamafa ma le mea e oka ai ma ua soona tau, o ituaiga sapalai ma manaoga sa taofi ma mamafa, o mamafa ia e masani ona 200 tala ua afe tala nei ma le isi itu. Na amata ona taugata tele mo se tasi o loʻo i le kolisi pe o loʻo i luga o se paketi faʻatapulaʻa e mafai ona gafatia. [00:02:21][20.2]


[00:02:21] E le gata i lea, e tatau ona matou tosoina nei mea mamafa mai le fogafale lua i fafo i le pakaga taavale i aso uma, o le a avea ma faʻalavelave. O lea na matou vaʻavaʻai atu ai i le filifiliga lona lua-sili ona lelei ma na iʻu ai i vaega tetee. Ma ua uma ona ou faʻaaogaina fusi faʻamalosi pe i totonu o le faletaalo poʻo totonu o le CrossFit mea aʻo ou tuputupu aʻe, ae ou te leʻi faʻatinoina lava se auala e taulaʻi ai le faʻamalositino ma taia vaega maso taʻitasi, ma ou te tuʻi lava Ryan ma aʻu. ta'u atu ia te ia, talofa e, aisea tatou te le taumafai ai i nei vaega tetee ma taumafai e vaai pe faapefea ona latou galulue ma iu ai ina tatou matua fiafia lava ia i latou. Ona amata loa lea ona matou faia se feagaiga ma o iina na olaola ai le manatu e mafai ona matou tuʻuina atu i tagata lautele lenei faʻamatalaga i le auala e fai ai nei faʻamalositino mai soʻo se mea. Ou te fai atu, mai le malae taʻalo i se faitotoʻa i se taula e mautu i totonu o le fale poʻo fafo, e mafai lava ona e faʻatinoina nei mea. [00:03:07][46.3]


[00:03:08] Ma o le ituaiga lena na tupu mai ai le ola. O ituaiga faamalositino na e sau ai. E matua ofoofogia lava. Sa ou vaai i mea o loo oulua faia ma Ryan. Ta'u mai sina mea ae ta te le'i alu i lena, Ryan, o le a lou talaaga ma tau mai ia i matou sina mea itiiti? Aua na ou faailoa atu ia te oe i le amataga, ae ou te leʻi taʻuina atu ia i latou lou talaaga. Ma ou te iloa o Alex ma Ryan e iai le NC double A talaaga faʻasolopito lea e avea ai i laʻua ma siamupini i la latou lava aia tatau. Ryan, e tele mea ua e faia, e te iloa, siamupini a le atunuu i le pasiketipolo. Ta'u mai ia i matou sina mea itiiti e uiga i mea na e faia e tusa ai ma lou malosi ma taaloga na e auai ai. [00:03:45][37.9]


[00:03:46] Ioe. O lea na ou ola aʻe ai, o aʻu o se tagata taʻalo mai loʻu laʻitiiti. [00:03:51][4.1]


[00:03:52] Sa avea au ma se tagata taalo pasiketipolo i le olaga atoa. Ma i le aoga maualuga, sa tatau ona ou avea ma se vaega o se au aoga maualuga lelei. Na ou manumalo moni lava i siamupini a le setete. Ua uma la'u galuega i le aoga maualuga ma se faamaumauga e tusa ma le selau ma le fitu. Ou te manatu ua pei a'u o le lona lua i taimi uma i le talafaasolopito o le setete i le aoga ma i le pasene ou te umia faamaumauga mo la matou aoga, o le tele o togi i se vaitau i le talafaasolopito o la matou aoga. O lea na ou maua ai le avanoa ou te alu e taalo pasiketipolo Vaega muamua. Ma o lea na ou faia ai le tolu tausaga i le Iunivesite o le Setete o San Jose, lea o loo i ai i se konafesi sili ona lelei i le Mauga i Sisifo. Ma sa ou maua se galuega lelei iina. O lo'u tausaga la'ititi. Na ou amata i tausaga uma e tolu. I lo'u tausaga la'ititi, sa sili atu i le sefuluvalu 'ai i le ta'aloga, na matua'i lelei le fana mai le malae. O aʻu o se tagata taalo sili ona lelei. Ma o lea na ou faauu moni ai i le tolu tausaga ma se faailoga o le tagata malaga i le kinesiology, lea ou te manatu na aoga tele ia te au i mea o loo ma faia ma Alex. Ma faatasi ai ma le chiropractic, e te iloa, sa ou aveina le tele o vasega biomechanics, tele o anatomy ma isi. Ae i taaloga, sa ou faauu i le tolu tausaga ma lena. Ona ou alu ai lea i se ituaiga siitia ma faia lo'u tausaga sinia Xavier, o se aoga pasiketipolo lauiloa i le atunuu, aoga lelei tele. Ma o lea na ou taalo ai i loʻu tausaga sinia iina ma tulituliloa loʻu tikeri o le matuaofaiva. Ma ina ua uma lo'u tausaga sinia, sa i ai lava ni a'u filifiliga e taalo faapolofesa ae na iu lava ina ou teena lena mea ona e ui lava sa ou fiafia i le pasiketipolo ma afeleti, ae o se vaega tele lava o lo'u olaga. Na iu ina ou liliu atu ni nai ofo mai fafo ma o se ulugalii o le NBA Developmental League ofo i lalo e alu i le Iunivesite Aoao o Saienisi Soifua Maloloina ma tulituliloa o'u faailoga faafomai-naturopathic lua e pei o Alex. E te iloa, faatasi ai ma lena ituaiga talaaga…� [00:05:42][110.4]


[00:05:44] Masalo na e mauaina le tele o faʻamalositino faʻamalositino na e aʻoaʻoina i le kinesiology ma atonu na faʻaaogaina aʻo e faia moni lenei feagaiga ma Alex. Alex, ta'u mai ia i matou se mea itiiti e uiga ia te oe ma mea na e faia i le taimi ua tuanaʻi e tusa ai ma ou poto masani faʻamalositino ma au taʻaloga malosi. [00:06:02][18.3]


[00:06:03] A'o ou la'ititi la, e masani lava o le lakapi, lea na matou fa'afeiloa'i i le piiga. Ma a o ou tauivi i le tele o tausaga, o le uiga o laʻu tala, sa matou o i le tele o taamilosaga a le atunuu, sa fai ma le matagofie, manumalo i se taamilosaga a le setete i aoga maualuga, sa ofo ma piiga i le St. Cloud State University mo sina taimi. Ma o le mea moni, o le uiga o laʻu tala, sa matou faʻaalia i le tele o mea. O le uiga o la'u tala, na ma galulue ma Danny, o le na sili ona fatuina manatu o CrossFit a'o le'i avea CrossFit CrossFit. Ma o le tele lava o le tele o aʻoaʻoga tetee ma le tele o gaioiga uiga ese na ia saunia ai aʻu, pe o le faʻamaopoopoina o lima-mata, faʻaosofia o le neura, poʻo isi ituaiga o auala mafaufau i luma na ia faʻaaogaina i la matou aʻoga. metotia. [00:06:47][44.0]


[00:06:48] Ma o lea na ou maua ai le talaaga CrossFit ma faia le tele o martial arts i le tuputupu ae, ma piiga. O lea la i le va o le fetuutuunai ma le agility ma le malosi aʻoaʻoga ma le tino ma le ituaiga o le mauaina o le gaioiga malosi atoa e ala i le fesoʻotaʻiga ma le atinaʻe ma le CrossFit, ituaiga e maua ai le malosi e lavea ai nei itu uma mai itu eseese ma e le gata o aʻoaʻoga ae malamalama i aʻafiaga o le tino. i luga o le tino ma auala eseese aʻoaʻoga. O lea la a le piiga ma mea faapena, na matou fa'aalia, e le gata ia te a'u, Ryan, i le tele o metotia fa'aa'oa'oga eseese e le'i va'aia e le to'atele o tagata pe na'o le tasi lava le ituaiga o ia metotia. [00:07:27][38.9]


[00:07:28] E te iloa, a e vaʻavaʻai atu ia te oulua uma, e mafai ona e iloa o loʻo i ai le tele o le poto masani ma le tele o mea na tutupu i le olaga na faia ai se eseesega tele i tulaga o lou faʻalauiloaina o lou malosi ma le malosi. [00:07:38][9.9]


[00:07:40] Na fa'apefea ona lua feiloa'i ma o le a le mea na fai e 'outou i le fa'atupuina o lenei mafutaga fou ma le tagata faigaluega malosi? Na faapefea ona amata le amataga o lena mea? [00:07:49][9.3]


[00:07:51] Ia, ou te masalo i le tulaga o le matou feiloaiga, o le matou uo, Pete. Na o le matou nonofo i luma ma sa matou maua lenei tama tautala tele e le tapunia le aso muamua o vasega ma ua matou alolofa ia te ia. Ae na matua malie lava aua o le mea moni na aumai faatasi e Pete ma na o le iʻu lava ina matou aʻoga ma matou nonofo i le laina pito i luma. Ma sa matua lelei lava Ryan i maso ma anatomy. Ma sa ou lelei i taimi uma i le biochemistry. Ou te geek i taimi uma i luma. Ma ua iloa e Ryan ou te fiafia i le biochemistry, a? [00:08:21][29.8]


[00:08:22] E iai la ni ou poto masani i le biochemistry, sa'o? Ioe. [00:08:24][2.3]


[00:08:25] Oi, ioe. Oi, ioe. [00:08:26][1.1]


[00:08:28] O Alex ose fesoasoani tele i vasega biochemistry. Sa ia fesoasoani ia te au e aoao le tele. [00:08:32][4.1]


[00:08:33] Ia, e tatau ona ou ta'u atu ia te oe. E te iloa, o se tasi o mea e te faʻapotopotoina, e te faʻapotopotoina se lalolagi fou o le faʻalauiloaina i tulaga o biochemistry, biomechanics, ma tuʻufaʻatasia uma. [00:08:42][9.2]


[00:08:43] O outou o le galu fou o le malamalama. Ou te manaʻo ia e taʻu mai ia te aʻu sina mea itiiti ma e mafai e oe, aua o loʻo ou aʻoaʻoina mea o loʻo e faia. Ta'u mai ia te a'u sina mea itiiti e uiga i mea tou te faia i le malosi galue. O le a le mea o loʻo e faia ma faʻafefea ona aʻoaʻoina oe, faʻagasolo le faʻagasologa ma uia tulafono? Aua ou te iloa e te maua ni vitio ona e fia iloa e tagata le uiga o lenei mea ma malamalama i mea e mafai ona latou faia i lenei lalolagi fou o le iloa o loʻo faʻapipiʻiina. Ma latou te mananaʻo e maua ni manatu i mea e mafai ona latou faia e maua ai le malosi sili. O le a la le mea tou te le o ai i fafo e ave mai ai, alii? [00:09:15][32.2]


[00:09:18] Ryan, ou te iloa e te fiafia e talanoa e uiga i ... o le a tonu le faʻamoemoega o le malosi galue ma tama. [00:09:24][6.2]


[00:09:25] Ia, matou te iloa o loʻo i ai le tele o tagata faʻamalosi malosi i fafo, ae matou te manaʻo e aumai se faʻataʻitaʻiga sili atu faʻasaienisi i ai, o se faʻamaoniga sili atu faʻavae, aua na matou lagona o loʻo i ai moni lava le leai o se gaioiga mausali, ose fa'amalositino malosi i fafo, ae maise le va'aiga fa'asalalau lautele. Ou te fai atu, ou te iloa le tele o mea, e te iloa, atonu tatou te manatu faatauvaa i ai o le a matua faʻafefe pe afai, e te iloa, o le averesi o ala o fesoʻotaʻiga lautele e faʻalogo i ai. O lea sa na ona matou mananao lava e aumai lo matou malamalama. Ma e matua tulaga ese lava o ma talaaga. Ua tele mea ua matou va'ai i ai, ua matou a'oa'oina lelei i le fa'asaienisi ma le anatomy biomechanics fa'apea fo'i ua matou galulue fa'atasi ma le to'atele o a'oa'o malolosi ma fa'atonu. O lea sa na'o lo matou mana'o e aumai lena malamalama fa'apea fo'i ma a matou lava pa'i tulaga ese ma fa'asoa atu i tagata aua matou te manatu moni lava e tele a matou mea e ofoina atu. [00:10:18][53.4]


[00:10:20] E manaia tele lena mea. Sei ou fesili atu ia te oe lenei mea. Le manatu pa'u pa'u. Na faapefea ona fetaui lena mea? Na fa'afefea 'outou tama i le fa'aogaina o pa'u ma pou fa'amalosi? O lenei meafaigaluega fou e matua le taugata tele, e mafai, e mafai, e te iloa, mai le mea o loʻo ou vaʻaia iinei, o mea na mafai ona ou malamalama i ai. E mafai moni lava ona e fa'aliliuina lou fale atoa i se nofoaga fa'amalositino ma se tau itiiti. [00:10:39][19.9]


[00:10:40] E sa'o lena mea? Oi, ioe. O lona uiga, o le auala na latou fuga mai ai e moni lava…� [00:10:45][5.0]


[00:10:48] Na'o lo'u fa'aaluina pe tusa ma le valu pe iva itula e nofo ai i luga o vitio YouTube, ma na matua'i malamalama ia te a'u le mea e mafai ona ma tuuina atu ma Ryan i tagata lautele. [00:10:57][8.9]


[00:10:57] Ina ua ou auina atu ia te ia le vitio o lenei alii e 10 miliona le au fai saofaga ma na te tilotilo i le meapueata ma fai mai, o le vae e afua mai i le iliac crest ona toe foi lea e faamatala pe aisea e tatau ai ona tatou faia le deadlifts aua e afua mai i le iliac crest mo. o outou e le...� [00:11:15][17.9]


[00:11:15] E afua mai ile iliac tuberosity ma ou te faamalie atu, ole ischial tuberosity. [00:11:21][5.3]


[00:11:21] Ma e pei o se taaloga polo e matua ese lava o le inisinia ma gaioiga. Ia te outou e malamalama i le tino, ia i latou e le malamalama. E tusa ma le 10, 15 inisi le mamao mai le nofoaga sa'o. O lea na ou tilotilo atu ai ia te ia ma sa ou pei o se tama, e mafai ona matou ave ma le faamaoni lenei mea i se taaloga polo eseese. O le uiga o la’u tala, o lenei alii e le o se foma’i laiseneina ma o loo ia tuuina atu le faitau miliona ma miliona o tagata i faamatalaga sese, e le gata i le mea e pipii ma faagaoioia ai mea, ae faapea foi ma le fealuai o nisi mea. O le uiga o la'u tala, ua faamanuiaina a'u i le i ai o se tama ua 40 tausaga o le poto masani i le fau tino. Ou te fai atu, e tatau ona ou galulue ma faiaoga e 30, 40 tausaga e sili atu pe afai e te faʻaopoopoina le poto latou te maua mo le piiga. Sa ou galulue ma faiaoga na galulue i le gaioiga galue talu mai le 70s ma le 80s ina ua avea lenei vaega tetee ma mea. Ma sa ou pei, e te iloa le a? Sei o tatou taumafai. E te iloa o le a? O aʻu o le ituaiga tagata e taumafai mea uma ia le itiiti ifo ma le tasi. E te iloa, afai e leai so'u poto masani, o le a ou taumafai lava. Ma ina ua ou mauaina nei faaili ma amata ai ona ma galulue ma Ryan, sa sili atu i le, e pei o le lua vaiaso le taimi lea matou te pei ai, OK, e aoga, e le aoga. Ole mea lea ole BS Ole legit lea. Ona faafuase'i loa lea ona amata ona fai a matou lava gaioioiga e matua tutusa lava ma mea i totonu o le faleta'alo ma e leai se tasi na faia na ituaiga o gaioiga. Sa na o itu eseese o le faaaogaina. Ma na faafuasei lava ona amata ona matou lelei ma sili atu i ai. E i ai lava la'u lava tulafono e 48-itula e te fa'aaluina le 48 itula i se mea, e amata ona e maua le to'a i ai. Ma ou te manatu pe a ma le 20 pe 30 taʻaloga, na amata ona matou maua le toʻa, Ryan ma aʻu, i nei gaioiga ma sa matou faʻamalosia se seti o gaioiga matou te fiafia tele i ai. O le uiga o la’u tala, e iloa e Ryan, o le uiga o la’u tala, o aso uma lava tatou te faia ai se gaioiga fou ma tatou fai atu, Ua lelei, o le mea lea e tatau ona tatou faia. [00:13:10][108.5]


[00:13:10] Ua lelei, o lenei galuega, e lelei atoatoa. E le aoga lenei mea. Sei o tatou faamisi lena. [00:13:14][3.4]


[00:13:14] O lea la, e te iloa, pe a tatou vaʻavaʻai i lenei mea, e matua faʻafefe. Ma o le malosi o ia, e sau mai tagata, tagata taʻitoʻatasi na faia aʻoaʻoga maualuga. Po'o fa'atumauina ea e lenei ituaiga malosi le vaega ma faia moni ai oe…� [00:13:29][14.9]


[00:13:31] E malosi ea e pei o le toleniga, se'i tatou fai atu pasiketipolo po o le piiga, a? E faia ea lena ituaiga, e te fa'afiafiaina ma fa'aalu le malosi e pei ona faia e isi fa'amalositino? [00:13:45][13.5]


[00:13:46] E te iloa, sa ou taʻu atu ia Alex, ou te manatu ua sili atu loʻu tino ma o loʻo ou malosi teisi i le taimi nei ua matou i ai i le karantina. Ma e matua manaia lava. Ma na maua moni lava e Alex ni nai suʻesuʻega na faia e nisi o fomaʻi faʻamalositino e faʻamalositino aʻoaʻoga i fusi, e maua moni ai le tele o alava maso ona e malosi e ala i le faʻagaoioia o le stabilizers. Ma ina ia mafai ona e lagonaina. O le uiga o la'u tala, o a'u ma Aleki sa matua'i o'o lava i se faiga a'oa'oga. Ou te manatu o so'o se tasi e alu ma fa'aili e na'o le si'isi'i i le pa'u po'o le pa'u aemaise lava, o le a e lagona o le a fai sina 'ese'ese. [00:14:23][37.3]


[00:14:24] O le a, o le a fai si ese si ou lagona ma e tatau lava ona e fa'amalosi malosi. [00:14:28][3.4]


[00:14:29] Ma ou te manatu ma e pei ona fai mai Alex, e mafai lava ona e faia toetoe lava o mea uma e masani ona e faia i totonu o le potu mamafa na o fusi. Ma o lea e mafai ai ona e faʻateleina ma faʻaititia le vevesi, ae o loʻo e faʻaopoopoina i lena aafiaga stabilizer. Ma ou te iloa o le upu autu ma le faʻagaoioia o lou 'autu o se ituaiga, e lafo solo i fafo iina. Ae o le fa'aaogaina o fusi e matua fa'atumauina atili ai lou tino. [00:14:55][26.8]


[00:14:56] Ma o lea ou te matua talitonu ai o loʻo ou i ai i se foliga lelei, pe a le sili atu, na ou fuaina aʻu lava i nai aso talu ai. Ma o Alex e iai se fua i le aʻoga na mafai ona matou fuaina, na ou mauaina moni lava na ou mauaina ni nai pauna talu ona taofia. O lea ou te manatu faapena. Ou te matua manatu e le na o se mea e mafai ona e faʻaogaina e naʻo le tausia. E mafai ona e faʻaaogaina e faʻaleleia atili ai. [00:15:17][20.9]


[00:15:17] Ma o le mea moni, e te iloa, e sili atu i le taimi o le karantina, naʻo le malosi. [00:15:20][2.8]


[00:15:21] E te iloa o le a? O se tasi o mea na ou matauina ina ua amata ona ou matamata i nei faʻamalositino o le YouTube o loʻo tuʻufaʻatasia atoatoa foliga o le tino, o oe o se ectomorph, o se tagata umi tele, umi mo tagata uumi. E fia lou maualuga? 6′ 9″, ua lelei. A'o Alex, e te fa'atatau i le a? E fia lou maualuga? O a'u e 5'8. O lea na matou maua ai pe tusa o se vae vae. Ma o le a matou matamata i vitio ma o le a matou vaʻai pe faʻafefea ona galue le malosi i lena mea. Ou te le iloa, po o ai o outou o lo'o i ai ata vitio. [00:15:49][28.4]


[00:15:50] O lea ua ou iinei. E mafai ona ou fa'asoaina vave na mea. [00:15:52][1.8]


[00:15:53] Fai mai se fesoasoani. Alu i luma ma lau fa'asoa na. Ma talanoa mai ia te a'u a'o e faia lenei mea, aua ou te fia malamalama tonu po'o le a le ituaiga o taualumaga o lo'o e faia. E pei ona e vaʻaia o loʻo e maua Ryan iina. Ua ou vaai ia Ryan. Ua ou vaai ia Alex i tua. O le a e fa'afefeteina i totonu. Ae o lenei o le a tatou agai i luma ma aumai na. Ta'u mai sina mea itiiti e uiga i le mea moni o lo'o tupu. E te aveina mai iina. [00:16:12][19.2]


[00:16:12] Ae o lea la, sei ou sii maia lena mea. O le a la le ituaiga o mea o loʻo tupu iinei? Ma o loʻo matou faia na o ni laina masani iinei ma o loʻo i ai Ryan o loʻo galue. [00:16:19][6.7]


[00:16:21] Ma e mafai ona tatou iloa o loʻo i ai so tatou ituaiga e pei o se taula. O lenei mea na faʻamoemoe muamua e avea ma taula maile, ae matou te faʻaaogaina i la matou lava auala itiiti iinei. E pei ona e va'aia, o lo'o ia faia ituaiga masani o laina o le a ia faia i le faleta'alo nai lo le fa'agasolo laina. O lo'o fa'amausaliina e le gata o lona 'au po'o le fa'aogaina fo'i o lona fa'ato'aga e fa'amautu ai. O lo'o ia fa'amautinoaina o lo'o fa'atumauina lelei o ia e ana faufale ina ia mafai ai ona ia fa'aogaina na rhomboid i vaega pito i luga o le mailei ma fa'asa'o lelei le pito i tua. [00:16:51][30.0]


[00:16:53] Ma ua na'o se faiga fa'amautu atoa. O le uiga. Latou te fai mai i taimi uma o le tupu o le si'isi'i o le si'isi'i ma le si'isi'i o le tupu o le si'isi'i aua e fa'amalosia ai oe e fa'amautu e le gata o ou vae ae o lou tino fa'apea fo'i lou tino pito i luga. Faatasi ai ma nei faʻamalositino fusi, o loʻo e maua ai le aafiaga tutusa ma le faʻamautuina i itu uma o gaioiga, e le gata i maso o loʻo galue faʻapea foʻi ma maso fesoasoani. [00:17:18][24.1]


[00:17:19] Ryan, sa e faia lenei faamalositino faapitoa ma ua e faia, e mautinoa lava, e te iloa, laina pito i tua. E faapefea ona ese lenei mea i tulaga o mea o loʻo e faia? Ona e foliga mai o lo'o e lokaina i le vateatea ma o lo'o e uuina le tele o maso o lo'o fa'aogaina e masani lava e te le mafaufau lava e fa'aaoga pe a e faia le masani, fa'apea, o se laina pulley. O le a le mea o tupu iinei? Ta'u mai sina mea na e lagona. [00:17:39][20.6]


[00:17:41] E matua'i. O lenei faamalositino ose faamalositino atoa. O le uiga o la’u tala, e pei ona fai mai ai Alex, e te va’ai mai o’u ogavae ma fa’ama’a’a ua matua’i pipi’i. [00:17:50][9.7]


[00:17:51] Ma o lou autu e tatau ona fa'aulu. Ou te fai atu, e tatau ona e faʻamautu ma taofi oe i le tulaga. E ese mai i lena, o fusi, latou te maua ai le tele o le vevesi i luga o le ala e toe foi mai ai i lalo, e toe faamalosia ai oe e faʻafaigaluega uma tagata faʻamautu ona faʻapipiʻi ai lea o ou vae, e lagolago moni ai oe, e taofia ai oe mai le toso i tua. i totonu. O lea fa'amalositino sa'o lava iina, e ese mai le na'o se laina masani lea, e te iloa, e mafai ona e alu i luga o se masini alo. Ae o le eseesega o le mea moni o se faamalositino atoa. Ma o lea e sili atu ona aoga i lena auala. O se faamalositino atoa lena. O se va'aiga fa'anatura o gaioi. O le mea moni o se tasi lea o faʻamalositino e sili ona ou fiafia i ai na mafai ona matou faia. [00:18:32][41.0]


[00:18:32] E lua mea ua ou matauina iinei. E te iloa, a oe, pe a matou galulue i le malosi ma matou manaʻomia tagata e faia se faʻamalositino, matou te taʻu atu ia i latou e tatau ona e amata mai le fatu. E foliga mai ma e foliga mai o lo'o e fa'atinoina lau 'autu i lenei fa'agaioiga atoa e ala i vaega uma o gaioiga. Pe o lou lagona lena? [00:18:47][14.7]


[00:18:48] E matua'i. Ioe. O le uiga o la'u tala, afai e te tu'u mo sina sekone. Ou te fai atu, o le a ou pau i luma. E matua'i tatau lava ona e matua'i fa'atino. Toe foi. Ioe. Ole mea lena e masalo o le a iai se fa'aa'oa'oga mo tagata fa'ato'a a'oa'oina le pa. Atonu latou te le'i fa'aaogaina i le fa'atumauina o latou fa'auluuluga i le tele o gaioiga. [00:19:10][21.7]


[00:19:10] Ae ou te manatu o loʻo latou toleni ma e oʻo lava i lenei faʻamalositino faapitoa e mafai ona fesoasoani tele ia i latou i le…E te iloa, le maualuga o le toe aʻoaʻoina o neuromuscular. [00:19:19][8.3]


[00:19:19] Ou te fai atu, e tupu lena mea i le tino. E fetuutuunai, o le toatele oi tatou ina ua amata ona tatou siiina le mamafa mo le taimi muamua. Na matou taufetuli i se, o le taimi muamua na matou toe faia ai le neuromuscular reeducation i luga o le squat. A e toso ese le squat bar i le taimi muamua lava, afai e manatua e tagata le taimi latou te faia sisquat, sa i luga o le nofoaga. E tusa ma le tolu pe fa aso e aʻoaʻo ai le uuina o se paʻu ma faʻapipiʻi faʻatasi uma ou vae. [00:19:42][22.8]


[00:19:43] O le mea lava lea e tasi o loʻo tupu iinei ona o loʻo e toleniina le faiʻai e faʻaogaina le tino atoa i le taimi e tasi. Alex, o le a lau mea o fai iinei i lenei mea faapitoa? [00:19:52][9.0]


[00:19:53] O lea la, o lo'o i ai na'o se eseesega ese'esega o lomiga tau'au. O le vaega manaia na ou fiafia tele i ai e le gata o loʻo e faʻamalosia le tali faʻapitoa, lea o le a oʻo i luga, ae o le faʻalavelave e tatau ona pulea. [00:20:08][15.1]


[00:20:09] Ma e le gata na ou iloa o loʻo galue malosi aʻu delts, ae sa matua manaia lava aua i luga o le faʻalavelave, i luga o le ala i lalo o aʻu lats e tatau ona sili atu le faʻaogaina. E le gata ina ou galue i na mea, ae sa tatau foi ona ou galue i loʻu pito i lalo e taofi ai aʻu i luma e faʻamautu loʻu fatu agai i luma i le auala ou te le paʻu ai i luma ma e tatau ona ou faʻamautuina toetoe o vaega uma o loʻu tino. , e toetoe lava pei o se faʻamaʻi, naʻo le mafai ona fai le faamalositino iina. [00:20:33][24.1]


[00:20:34] E te iloa foi le mea na ou matauina, a o e faia lenei mea, e foliga mai o paʻu paʻu o loʻo tuʻuina atu le faʻamagaloina o gaioiga. I se isi faaupuga, e mafai ai e le sooga ona mulimuli i lona fa'ase'e masani. I se isi faaupuga, o le a le faʻamalosia oe i se tulaga e le masani ai mo le sooga aua e foliga mai e tuʻuina atu. Pe o le mea foi lena o loo tuuina mai iinei? [00:20:55][20.9]


[00:20:56] Oi, ioe. O le vaega manaia e uiga i nei mea o le uiga o laʻu tala, i le pito i lalo iinei, atonu na lagona. E selau pauna po'o tau'au lolomi ma aga'i i le pito i luga fa'atasi uma-e tasi valusefululima. O lea e mulimulita'i i le malosi faanatura e le gata o le sooga ae faapea foi ma le maso. O lea a e alu aʻe i luga, e sili atu le mamafa. A e alu ifo i lalo, e faasolosolo malie lava. O lea e faʻatagaina ai iina e faʻaitiitia le faʻalavelave i luga o le sooga ma sili atu le taulaʻi i le maso. [00:21:22][25.6]


[00:21:23] E matua ofoofogia lava lenei mea pe a e vaʻai i lenei mea. E le ose gaio'i masani lea. Ole mea moni ole sui masani lea. E ofoofogia, o lo'o faasolosolo ona suia pe a suia le mamao ma e foliga mai e talafeagai. Ae afai e te maitauina, e tasi lava le pa'u pa'u iinei. E sa'o pe lua? [00:21:40][17.5]


[00:21:41] O le mea lelei lena, o le mea manaia e uiga i lenei mea o se paʻu paʻu 40-pauna. O lea la i se laina-toso, e tosoina e le pa'u le 40, ae afai e te punou le pa'u i le afa, o le mea moni e te mauaina le 40 i itu taitasi. Ole aofa'iga lea ole 80 pauna iinei. [00:21:56][15.0]


[00:21:57] Oka, ma e oo atu i le taimi ua i luga, ua e lagonaina le avega. [00:22:00][2.1]


[00:22:00] Ma ioe, o lea e latalata ane iinei e tusa ma le 80 pauna. Se'i ta'u atu iinei, lagona pe tusa ma le selau. Ua na'o se metotia fua le manino ma e mana'omia le fa'amautuina o nei fuainumera. Ae na lagona le tusa o le tasi valusefululima agai i luga iina. [00:22:10][9.9]


[00:22:11] O lenei o le a tatou tilotilo i se tasi, seʻi tatou fai atu, e ese le faʻainisinia o le tino. Se'i o'u vaai. O tatou a lea. [00:22:16][5.8]


[00:22:19] Ma e mafai ona matou sii maia lenei mea. O le mea lena, i le ala, ona o le fia iloa, o le uaea lava lena? Pe o le pau lea e tasi? [00:22:24][5.4]


[00:22:25] Ose pa'u 30-pauna lea. O lea na mafai ai ona matou iloa atu e sili atu le umi o Ryan. O lea la, o le mamao o ia mai lena nofoaga o fesoʻotaʻiga, o le tele foi lea o le a mafua ai se uta maualuga atu iina. [00:22:36][11.0]


[00:22:37] Ryan. O le a sou lagona i lenei mea? Ta'u mai sina mea itiiti e uiga i mea na e oo i ai i lenei mea. [00:22:39][3.0]


[00:22:40] Ioe. E pei la o le tala a Alex, e pau le malosi faanatura aua, i le pito i luga o le gaioiga, o le mea e sili ona e malosi ai, e sili ona mamafa. Ae o le mea e sili ona e vaivai ai, o le toʻatele o tagata, e te iloa, latou te maua pe a latou o ifo i lalo. E le mafai ona latou toe tutu i luga. Ae e pa'u i se pupuni malosi fa'anatura ma fa'atagaina moni lava oe e fai le mamafa tele i le mea e sili ona e malosi ai, o se mea e le mafai ona e faia, manino, i se pili pa. E tusa ai la ma lenei gaoioiga faapitoa. Sa ma galulue moni lava ma Alex i luga o le ituaiga nofoa fa'ata'oto, lea ou te manatu o le a mafaufau i ai le to'atele o tagata. E te iloa ua tapunia le potu mamafa e pei e leai se auala e mafai ai ona ou faia se nofoa faʻasaga i lenei mea, ae pau lava le mea e te manaʻomia o se mea e mafai ona e tuʻuina i le eleele. Ma sa ma maua ma Alex lenei mea i le aoga iinei. Ae o matou foi, Alex ma maʻua suʻesuʻe i se mea e mafai ona matou faʻatau moni e fesoasoani e taʻu atu i tagata mea e tuʻu i le eleele. Ma o lea na matou maua moni ai se meafaigaluega e mafai ona matou talanoa i ai i se taimi na mafai ai ona matou faʻafesoʻotaʻi i le eleele e iai le matau faʻapenei ina ia mafai ona matou faʻaogaina i le eleele ona tuʻu lea o le uaea i totonu ma mafai ai. fai lenei faamalositino. [00:23:45][64.8]


[00:23:46] Ia, ou te matauina o loʻo e faia lenei mea i fafo ma na e faʻaaogaina. E te fa'aalia vaega eseese. Ia, ou te matauina i nisi o nei taimi pe a i ai ni au vitio, o loʻo i ai aʻu vitio iinei o oe o loʻo faia mea e pei o le faʻaaliga, moni, Ryan. [00:24:00][13.9]


[00:24:00] E iai la'u vitio iinei. O le a ou alu i luma ma fa'aali lau lau na'o sina sekone iinei. [00:24:03][2.7]


[00:24:04] Ma o le mea o loʻo ia i matou o Ryan o loʻo faia se ituaiga faʻatonuga. Faaali mai ia i matou lau lau, o lea e alu. O le a tatou o i totonu ma o iina tatou te o ai. O le a matou faʻasoa ma o le a matou faʻasoa i le taimi nei. Ia, o lenei mea faapitoa, e mafai ona e iloa moni o loʻo e faia lenei mea i se eria e naʻo soʻo se taula. E sa'o lena mea? [00:24:24][19.4]


[00:24:25] Ioe, ioe. Ma o le mea manaia e uiga i lena mea o lena faletaalo togavao e tele naua taula eseese. Ae toe fai foi, na matou maua se auala e mafai ai ona e faia lenei mea i totonu o lou fale pe afai e iai sau faitotoʻa e mafai ona e tuʻuina atu i totonu. [00:24:39][14.1]


[00:24:40] O lo'o iai sina polo i le isi itu. Taofi i le tulaga. Ma o lea e mafai ai e oe talavou ona faʻaogaina fusi i lena mea. Ma so'o se faitotoa e mafai ona e faia lenei mea. O lea ua matou maua moni lava se auala e faia ai lenei mea i soo se mea. [00:24:49][9.6]


[00:24:50] Ae e manino lava, sa matou mananao e toleni i fafo pe a mafai. I lenei mea patino iinei, o loʻo ia te aʻu lava Alex ma o loʻo e faʻaalia ma o loʻo e talanoa e uiga i le matauila o loʻo uu i le faitotoʻa, saʻo? Alex? [00:25:01][11.1]


[00:25:01] Ioe. O le a le mea, o le a le mea o loʻo tupu iinei? [00:25:04][2.2]


[00:25:04] O le a lau mea o fai iinei? O lea la o loʻo matou faia ni pullovers, o le mea lava lea e tasi e te faia e maua ai le serratus i luma e puipuia ai soʻo se faʻaʻiʻo o le scapular. O le tele o faʻafitauli i lena mea o nisi tagata e le o galue i lena serratus i luma. O lea e iai a latou fa'afitauli i na scapulars o lo'o fa'aoso i fafo ma e mafua ai sina a'afiaga e mafai ai ona tu'u i le tele o gaioiga e le mautu ma mafua ai le scapular whinging. E ala la i le faamalosia o i latou? E mafai ona e taofia lena mea. [00:25:31][27.3]


[00:25:32] Ryan, sa e faia se isi faamalositino. O le a ou ave oe i le tasi lenei, o le mea faapitoa lenei. Ua ou matauina pe a ou sii i taimi uma le mamafa, ou te iloa i taimi uma e i ai lava le faamalositino sili mo se lafo. Ma o se tasi o mea sili ona taatele o le incline bicep bilateral curl. A e fa'alagolago i tua ma e te faia moni lava pupuni. E foliga tutusa lava lenei mea, e ui lava. O loo e faalagolago i luma. O lo'o e maua se toso lelei ile bicep. O le a lau mea o fai iinei e tusa ai ma lenei mea? E le o se faamalositino bicep. O le a le mea lea? [00:26:03][30.5]


[00:26:04] O lea na matou ta i lalo. Sa matou i ai i le pito i lalo i lenei faʻamalositino. O lea sa matou ioe, sa matou tuu sao o matou lima ma maua. E talafeagai. Ioe. O lea matou te le'i taina le bicep. Sa i ai se matou tupe maualalo iina. [00:26:16][12.5]


[00:26:17] O le pec pito i lalo o le tasi lea o le mea lea e te faia e le mo le biceps ou te taʻu atu ia te oe e te leʻi faʻapipiʻi tele le lima. O lea sa'o. O le ā la se lagona na iai? [00:26:24][7.1]


[00:26:26] Ou te toe fai atu, o se lavea tele lea i le musele pito i lalo. Ioe, o le uiga o la'u tala, o na mea, o se mea ou te le'i lagonaina lava ae ou te le'i taia ni fusi e vavae ese ai na sela o musele pito i lalo. Ioe, o se isi fa'amalositino lelei. [00:26:41][15.6]


[00:26:42] O lenei mea faapitoa ua ou matauina iinei. Alex, ta'u mai sina mea e te faia i fafo. [00:26:46][3.2]


[00:26:46] Tuu mai ia te au, pe a e manao ai. Se'i ou faasoa atu la'u lau. Fai loa. Na e mauaina. [00:26:50][4.0]


[00:26:55] O ni faamalositino ofoofogia nei. Tama e, o lo'o e faia se mea e matua ofoofogia lava iinei. [00:26:58][3.4]


[00:27:00] O lo'o i ai le matou ituaiga o lomitusi masani masani. O le mea lelei la e uiga i lenei mea, o loʻu tino pito i luga atonu e mamafa, seʻi tatou fai atu, e tusa ma le 100 pauna pe tusa. Ma o lenei fa'aili iinei e moni lava o se fa'a'ili tetee e selau limasefulu pauna. O le pito la i lalo, e tusa ma le selau pauna ae agai i luga, e tusa ma le tolu selau pauna lomi pusa. O lea ituaiga alu i le gaioiga. E moni lava e pei o se mamafa fai. Tu'i i luga. E moni? Ae tatou fai atu e te malosi atu nai lo lenei, a ea? Na'o le fa'aopoopoina o se isi fa'aili. Afai o lo'o e malosi pea, na'o le fa'aopoopoina o se isi fa'aili. Ma ou te le manatu o le a faia e se tasi se oso oso 500-pauna i se taimi lata mai. O lea o lo'o e maua se aofa'i lelei o le tete'e i le fa'ainisinia talafeagai o ia mea uma agai i luga. E mamafa ma agai i lalo, e mama. Fa'ataga lau pec e maua le tele o gaioioiga a'o puipuia vaega e ono afaina ai. [00:27:53][53.8]


[00:27:56] Oka. Ua lelei, o lea ua e maua ai se mea lelei. O a isi mea na e maua i totonu na e tilotilo i ai? Na ou vaʻaia e toʻatele isi tagata. Oi, ioe, e tele a matou vitio iinei ma seʻi ou vaʻai aua ou te manatu e fia vaʻai tagata uma i le mea o loʻo tupu iinei. Ou te matua fiafia lava i lenei mea. Ma afai e mafai ona e taʻu mai ia te aʻu sina mea o loʻo e faia nei e tusa ai ma lena. Ofoofogia. Vaai i lena. [00:28:16][20.1]


[00:28:19] O lea la, o lo'o matou faia se ituaiga e pei o se lomi si'i iinei. Ma o lo'o tatou ta'alo lava i manatu. Ae na foliga mai o se masini lelei tele. O le uiga o la'u tala, a'o le'i alu Ryan i le fale, sa matou faia faaili tetee, squats, ma matou feoai solo. O lona uiga, masalo pe tusa ma le 10, 15 bands i le mea lea a o matou faia si'isi'i, ae na o'o lava i le tolu i le fa selau pauna squat a'o e fai sa'o. [00:28:42][22.9]


[00:28:43] O le a sou lagona iinei? O le a sou lagona? E matua ofoofogia lava. Ou te le'i faia lava, sa ou galue mo le tele o tausaga, na ou sau mai le 80s ma ou te le'i faia lava se si'isi'i i le mea o lo'o e faia moni ai se tau'u. Pau lava le mea o le a latalata i lenei mea o se fao po'o se fa'amama fa'amama. Ma o na ituaiga mea o le a aumaia moni lava. Ole si'i lea ole Olimipeka. [00:28:58][15.9]


[00:29:00] Ioe, ioe. O loʻo i ai se isi mea sili na matou maua. [00:29:02][2.5]


[00:29:03] O lea na mafai ai ona matou utaina le squat sili atu i vasega mulimuli ane pe mo lenei mea sa fai sina mama. E fai si māmā i le vaega fa'a-squat, ae e mamafa tele le lomitusi i luga o tauau aua o le pito i luga o le mea lea e te maua ai le tele o le vevesi. O lea e matua'i lelei tele le fa'amalositino tau'au. Ma le isi, o le auala lava e gaoioi ai le faaili, e sili atu le saogalemu mo tauau. Na ou ta'u atu ia Alex o o'u sooga e mafua ona sa masani ona ou faaaogaina ni dumbbells faatasi ai ma ni pa'u e pei ona ou faaaogaina muamua. Ma o le mea moni lava o oʻu sooga, latou te matua lagona le sili atu nai lo le taimi umi mai le faʻaaogaina o nei fusi ona o loʻo latou faʻatagaina se ituaiga o gaioiga masani. [00:29:44][40.5]


[00:29:46] Vaai i le tamaloa lea. Na outou o atu i fafo ma e foliga mai ua fai si malulu i fafo, a? [00:29:50][3.8]


[00:29:52] Laititi. Fai mai Brian ose aso lalelei i fafo. E 30 tikeri i fafo. [00:29:56][4.5]


[00:29:58] Sa ou fiafia e toleni i fafo. [00:29:59][0.8]


[00:30:00] E te iloa o le a? O le mea matagofie lena e uiga i ai. Ua e maua, o le mea tonu lava lea, e ofoofogia. [00:30:03][3.4]


[00:30:04] O le a le mea o tupu iinei? E iai a matou fa'ailoga tapulima eseese e fa'amalosia ai fa'amalulu o fomu. [00:30:09][5.4]


[00:30:11] Ma o le mea moni, e fai si mamafa iina. O le uiga o la’u tala, e ui lava o se fa’aili e 40-pauna, ae e le gata ina fa’apa’u le fa’aili i le afa ae fa’apa’u toeitiiti lava tolu vaega eseese. E o'o atu la i le taimi e te fa'atupuina ai i le fa'amautu sa'o, e mautinoa lava e tusa ma le 50, 60 pauna o le pu'u tapulima. [00:30:24][13.6]


[00:30:26] E ofoofogia lena mea. [00:30:26][0.3]


[00:30:30] Ma toe fai, ioe, e leai se auala e faia ai lenei mea e aunoa ma le faʻaogaina o le autu. E leai se auala. [00:30:34][4.0]


[00:30:37] O le a le mea o loʻo tupu iinei i nei tui tricep, saʻo? Ioe, fa'aopoopoina triceps iinei. O le isi lea suiga. [00:30:43][6.3]


[00:30:58] Ryan, o le a toe maua sau matata i ata pue. [00:31:00][1.9]


[00:31:00] E mafai ona ou ta'u atu nei. Na aoao mai e Alex ia te au sina mea itiiti e uiga i ata pue. E iai lana meapueata ae ioe sa ou taumafai lava e maua se vaaiga lelei. [00:31:12][11.7]


[00:31:12] Ma sa matou faʻaaluina le tele o taimi e puʻeina e le tasi le isi, e te iloa, taumafai e fai nei vitio mo tagata. Ou te manatu ua ou matua faaleleia. Oi, lo'u agalelei. Alu e fa'aali. Alex. [00:31:23][10.3]


[00:31:23] O le a sou lagona iinei e uiga i le triceps? Talu ai e mafai ona e va'ai atu i suiga tele o le tosoina o le tulimanu a'o tu'uina e lou tino i totonu, o le a le mea? [00:31:31][7.6]


[00:31:31] Afai la tatou te taofi iinei ma ave le triceps i fafo mo le gaioiga. Sei o tatou talanoa e uiga i mea e manaʻomia ona faʻamautu ina ia mafai ai ona fai gaioiga. O lea e le gata o loʻo ia i matou le faʻamautu autu, o le rectus abdominus mai le taofia o oe mo le tosoina i luga, ae o le ae maua foi le serratus i luma ma maso tua e taofia oe mai le sau i luga, faʻapea foʻi ma le puipuia o soʻo se gaioiga i le vaega o tauau. O lea e ala i le lokaina o le tauau, o loʻo e faʻamalosia uma nei maso i le tino pito i luga e faʻamautu faʻapea foʻi ma le ... [00:32:03][32.0]


[00:32:06] O le itu pito i tua o le pec. Ou te faamalie atu, ae mafai lava ona fai se tricep extension ina ia e iloa ai ua ou vaivai iinei. [00:32:12][6.7]


[00:32:13] E te va'ai, ua amata ona ou sau i luga teisi atu nai lo le mea na ou tausia muamua ai le fa'amautu iina. [00:32:18][5.6]


[00:32:23] O a ituaiga pamu e te maua? Tou te iloa e te lagona tutusa le fufula, ou te masalo o le a e lagona pe a e si'i mamafa, pe o se mea e fai si 'ese'ese? O le a sou lagona pe a uma? O lo'o e ta'ua, Ryan, na e lagona le tiga tele? O a ni ou lagona ina ua e faia nei mea? E ese le lagona o le maso? [00:32:40][16.9]


[00:32:43] Ioe, ou te toe fai atu, ou te lagona e pei lava o se pamu mai le faʻaaogaina o fusi e pei ona ou lagona mai le faʻaaogaina o pa. Ou te fai atu, ou te manatu o… [00:32:51][8.5]


[00:32:52] O le auala na mafai ai ona matou iloiloina nisi o nei faʻamalositino i luga ma lalo, toe, o loʻo e talanoa e uiga i le suʻeina o mea faʻamautu, o loʻo e suʻeina atili maso maso e manaʻomia le tele o le tafe toto. O lea e te maua ai se pamu lelei e fa'aaoga ai fusi. E leai se masalosalo i lena mea. [00:33:07][14.3]


[00:33:08] Alex, na e taʻu mai ia te aʻu ina ua e amata faia lenei ituaiga o toleniga, na e matauina lou tino ua suia i se auala ese. O le a le mea na e matauina? [00:33:13][4.9]


[00:33:14] Na ou matauina ua sili atu lo'u mautu. Ose upu lelei e pei foi ona itiiti le ga'o o lo'u tino na fau i luga ia te au. E masani ona ou faʻamoemoe mo le 15 i le 20 reps i faʻamalositino uma matou te faia iinei. O le vaega taua o nei mea o le pa i luga o le ala i lalo, ae pulea le ala i luga. [00:33:33][18.8]


[00:33:35] Ma o le faʻamalosia o lena faʻamautu faʻapitoa o se mea taua tele i le tele o nei faʻamalositino. Ou te fai atu e le o iai i le tele o nei faʻamalositino ma e sili atu le mu i nei ituaiga mea foi. Na ou matauina, o le auala autu na ou matauina ai, sei ou vaai pe ...�[00:33:50][15.5]


[00:33:51] E mafai ona ou mauaina le vitio iinei. Ryan, i lenei mea faapitoa o loʻo e faia, o le tricep. [00:33:56][5.0]


[00:33:56] E tupu le loka pe a e lokaina, pe i ai se loka pe o lalo o se uta faifaipea e taofia ai le loka pe o le loka e matua faigata lava ona maua e tusa ai ma le faʻalauteleina o le lima? [00:34:06][9.9]


[00:34:07] Ioe, e matua faigata lava ona maua aua, ioe, e pei ona e fai mai i fusi, o loʻo i ai pea le vevesi ma e manaʻomia pea le faʻamautu. E fa'amalosia oe e fa'amautu i taimi uma. O lea na matou i ai i le mea atoa i le taimi muamua na matou faʻaaogaina ai fusi. Ma ou te manatu o le tele o tagata pe a latou faia muamua, foi. O le a latou fai sina mea itiiti i mea uma ae toetoe lava a lulu teisi teisi nai lo le faia o se mea faamalositino. Ae toe fai atu, e ofoofogia le vave e mafai ona e fetuunai. Ma e matua aʻoaʻoina oe e konekarate i se auala fou. [00:34:38][31.0]


[00:34:39] Alex, o lenei mea faapitoa, o le mea lea na ou manatu o le a faia e Ryan i le isi taimi. O le a se lagona na i ai i lou biceps? [00:34:44][4.6]


[00:34:45] Sa ou lagona lelei, matua lelei lava. E moni lava masalo o le biceps na sili ona aoga mai nei ituaiga o toleniga aua o loʻo i lalo o se avega faifaipea ma e sili atu ona mamafa pe a oʻo mai i luga. O oe ma au, sa masani ona ta toleni. Sa masani ona matou faʻamalosia se mea le lelei i mea uma. E na'o le leaga lava lea i mea uma o lo'o e faia. Ua faasolo ina mamafa i luga o le ala i luga ma mama i luga o le ala i lalo ina ia mafai ai ona galue lena maso i auala eseese. [00:35:09][24.2]


[00:35:10] O loʻo i ai moni lava le malosi e alu ai i totonu o le maso ma ia manuia tele mai le faʻaoga ma le faʻalavelave i se auala e leʻi faia lava. Ua iloa i taimi uma. Ma a e si'i le mamafa, o le concentric o le manatu. [00:35:22][12.2]


[00:35:23] Ae ina ua avea le malosi ma sili atu le faasaienisi, na latou mauaina le tele o le gaioiga faʻafuaseʻi o se vaega o le aʻoaʻoga na faʻatupuina ai le musele o loʻo toso moni ai. Ma o lenei mea o le faʻatumauina o le uta i luga o le faʻalavelave faʻafuaseʻi ma le agalelei i luga o le ala i lalo, lea e masani ona afaina ai le tele o tagata i le faʻalavelave, ae le o le faʻaoga. Latou te afaina i luga o le faʻalavelave i luga o le faʻaopoopoga poʻo le tatalaina o le maso. O le mea moni e taofia ai se uta e o'o atu i le toso maualuga ma e ono afaina ai le aano. O le mea lea, e matua ofoofogia lava i tulaga o lona fausaga pe a e suʻesuʻeina moni. O le a lau mea o fai iinei? [00:36:03][40.5]


[00:36:03] E te alu i fa'atonuga po'o se mea faapena? O'o'o fa'a'u'u i'i. Ma e moni lava, matua lelei mo le bicep iina. E pei ona e silafia, sa ou saeia se vaega o la'u bicep ina ua se'e lo'u lima taumatau ma mafai ai ona ou galue i sea faiga ma talepe moni ai lena mea ma'ila ma galue ai. E matua'i lelei lava. [00:36:22][19.1]


[00:36:23] E matua maoae lava. O 'outou tama, o lo'o e ofoina atu le tele o eseesega i lenei fa'aaliga ona o lo'o e feagai ma ituaiga tino 'ese'ese ma o lo'o e va'ai atu i le tino e fa'afetaui i ai. O fea o e faia iinei? O lago ia pe o lago ia? [00:36:35][11.8]


[00:36:35] Ioe. O lago nei e tatau ona iai. [00:36:37][1.2]


[00:36:44] Manaia fa'amautu, fa'amalosia oe e fa'amautu lelei, sa'o? [00:36:47][2.9]


[00:36:48] Ioe. Ma e toetoe lava a e va'ai mai ua ou tete'e teisi i le taimi muamua ona ua toe fa'ato'ilaloina a'u. E matua'i mana'omia sina fa'amasani aua e le'i fa'amalosia lava oe e fa'amautu fa'apea. Ou te fai atu, afai e te alu i se masini, e te iloa, le masini uaea i lou faletaalo i le lotoifale. Latou te le fa'amalosia oe e fa'amautu i le auala lava e tasi e alu ai nei fa'aili i le auala o lo'o matou faia ai. O lea la e matua ese lava le lagona. Ma a maua e tagata se avanoa e fai ai lenei mea, o le a mafai ona latou taʻu mai le mea o loʻo tatou talanoa ai. [00:37:20][31.7]


[00:37:22] O le a se isi mea na e maua i totonu, Alex. O nisi mea manaia, e te iloa. Ioe, se'i ou tapunia lenei mea iinei ma se'i ou vaai. [00:37:28][5.6]


[00:37:38] Ou te fai atu atonu o se mea lelei iinei. [00:37:40][2.5]


[00:37:41] E inoino Ryan i nei mea, ae e lelei. Ioe, fa'aopoopoga tapulima. [00:37:44][2.9]


[00:37:47] O lea na amata ai ona ou tilotilo i totonu, o le mafuaaga na amata ai ona ou taumafai e fai le tele o galuega tapulima ona sa ou maua i le epicondylitis lateral, lea e taʻua o le tennis elbow. Ma o le mea moni o se vaivaiga i le extensor carpi radialis brevis. Ma e ala i le mafai ona faʻamalosia nei mea e te faʻatagaina moni ai le lima e maua ai se pamu lelei tele. Ma e le gata i lea, ae e matua aoga tele. O le abductor pollicis e sili ona umi faapea foi ma le brevis i nisi itu. Ae ioe, o nei mea e sili ona lelei mo faʻaopoopoga tapulima. Ou te matua fiafia lava i nei mea, ua ou alofa ia i latou ma atonu o le a ou le alu i se aso e aunoa ma le faia o se ituaiga tapulima faamalositino. [00:38:22][35.1]


[00:38:23] Oi, alii, e tatau ona ou taʻu atu ia te oe, o se mea sili lenei o se aʻoaʻoga mo aʻu lava e matamata i mea o loʻo e faia mai se tulaga faʻaletino, naʻo mea tatou te faia i gasegase iinei i le matou ofisa. [00:38:35][11.9]


[00:38:36] Ua matou faia le tele o faʻamalositino ma paʻu paʻu o se faʻaopoopoga fou i le taimi ua tuanaʻi ou te fai atu i le sefulu tausaga talu ai, ae ua alu ese mai na o se tulaga faigofie o galuega faʻamalositino i le faʻasaienisi faigata tele. Ma ou te manatu o loʻo e faʻamalosia lenei mea fou, faʻavae physiology motion poʻo le kinesiology motion. Ma o loʻo matou aʻoaʻoina le tele o mea iinei. O le a se mea tou te maua mai ai? Ma ou te fiafia e faʻalogo mai ia te oulua uma aua ou te fia malamalama poʻo a mea o loʻo e faia ma o le a le mea e tatau ona tatou tulimatai atu i ai i le malosi o le tino ma mea o le a e faia i lenei feagaiga fou ma polokalame i totonu. le lumanai. [00:39:16][40.1]


[00:39:18] O le a matou faia le tele o mea eseese, o lona uiga, o Ryan e tele lona talaaga i le auala e avea ai ma tagata taʻalo NC double A aʻo avea ma vegan. O a'u lava ia e le lelei i le ga'o, na'o lo'u genotype, ae pe mai mea'ai e fa'amalositino ai, fa'apea, o se tusi o le vaiaso e talanoaina ai mea eseese. O le a alu i mea eseese. Ma o le vaega manaia e uiga i nei fusi ou te mautinoa, e te iloa, o loʻo aʻoaʻoina e uiga i le X ma le Y avanoa faʻapea foʻi ma le Z-axis i tulaga o le taamilosaga ma le tino. Ma o le itu manaia e uiga i nei fusi o le faʻamalosia o maso i luga o vaalele uma e galue e faʻamautu le gaioiga o le tasi faʻaitiitiga isometric o lena maso. O lea ua tatou maua ai le tele o gaioiga eseese ma le tele o faʻatinoga eseese, le tele o manatu eseese o loʻo galue. Ma o le taimi lava e toe tatala ai le potu mamafa, o le a matou faia vitio i le faʻaogaina o fusi i totonu o le potu mamafa, faʻafefea ona faʻaogaina i luga o le mamafa fua. E eseese auala, eseese auala e nonoa ai lima i luga ae le gata ia i latou, ae o le au siisii ​​malosi sili o le lalolagi latou te faʻaogaina fusi faʻamalosi e maua ai na mamafa mamafa. Afai e mafai ona e faia se squat tolu selau limasefulu pauna ma lua fusi e tutusa ma le 250 pauna i latou taʻitasi, o le a mafai ona e togiina le 800 pauna e pei e toetoe lava a leai se mea. [00:40:30][71.2]


[00:40:31] Ryan Sa ou matamata i ni vitio o loʻo e faia moni ai nisi, e te iloa, e pei o se vaega hack. [00:40:35][4.7]


[00:40:36] Ou te manatu o se vaega ta'avale po'o se ituaiga o lomi vae lea na fa'apipi'i ai pa'u i le masini. E pei la o se faiga fa'afefiloi lea e le gata o lo'o e fa'aogaina masini masani, ae o lo'o e fa'apipi'iina i pa'u ma maua ai le fa'aluaina o fa'amanuiaga aua o lea ua e maua le pa'u pa'u fa'asolosolo uta fa'asolosolo fa'atasi ai ma le pa'u o le a. masini. O le a le mea sa outou faia iina i le faleta'alo? Aua e le o ia te au lena vitio faapitoa, ae ou te manatua na ou mauaina lena vitio. Sei ou faasoa atu lena mea ia te oe. [00:41:04][28.3]


[00:41:06] Ioe. O lea na matou fa'apipi'i ai se fa'aili i itu ta'itasi. [00:41:11][4.9]


[00:41:11] Ma le isi, ou te manatu o se vaega lena o le mea e mafai ona tatou faia pe a tatou toe foʻi mai i le faletaalo o le a tatou tuʻufaʻatasia faʻaili ma, e te iloa, o nisi o le barbell ma le dumbbell machine ma isi mea. Ae toe fai atu, ou te fiafia tele i le suʻeina o oe i le mea e sili ona e malosi ai, ae e mafai ai ona e faia nisi faʻataʻitaʻiga ona e sili atu le mamafa, e tusa ai ma lou malosi masani pe ona e sili ona mamafa pe a i luga. Ae e sili ona mama i le pito i lalo, lea e sili ona e vaivai ai. O se tasi la lena o mea ou te fiafia tele i ai i faaili ou te manatu e toatele tagata e mafai ona faaaoga. [00:41:46][34.2]


[00:41:46] E te le tau suia foi le mamafa o le mea moni e na'o le tausia o le mamafa lava e tasi pe afai e te mana'o e te alu pe a e mana'o e fai nisi mea e mafai ona e faia atili. Ae o se mea e ofo ai le faateleina o lena uta i lena vaitaimi. Oka. Ia, o le a ou taʻu atu ia te oe le mea, ou te tulimatai atu e faʻalogo mai ia te oe ma vaʻai tonu i mea o loʻo tupu, aʻoaʻo e uiga i meaʻai ma mea o le a e faia i faʻaaliga eseese o le a faia e oe. O lea sei ou fesili atu ia te oe lenei mea. O le a le mea o loo tatou tulimatai atu i ai i le isi? Aua ou te iloa o loʻo i ai se matou faʻatulagaina, ou te manatu, i totonu o le vaiaso. Ou te tulimatai atu i ai ma o le a tatou o ma amata faasalalau lena. Ae ou te manaʻo ia mafai ona aʻoaʻoina ni manatu ma manatu eseese mai lenei mea. Ma e mafai ona ou iloa o tagata o loʻo matamata i lenei mea, e mautinoa lava o le a latou vaʻai i lena mea, e te iloa, ma se ato, o loʻo i ai le tele o paʻu paʻu i totonu. E taugata le alu i lenei mea? E selau tala. [00:42:29][42.6]


[00:42:30] O mea uma na matou fa'atauina. E selau tala ae na'o lou fa'aputuina o lau faleta'alo, a? E sa'o lava. O le uiga o la’u tala, o le fa’afitauli o lo’o i ai i le taimi nei o le fa’atauina e tagata uma o pa’u tete’e o lea ua fai sina leai o ni fa’asoa mo le tele o nei mea ma e to’atele tagata o lo’o totogi tau fa’avalevalea. O le mea la o le a matou faia o le a matou taumafai e suʻe nisi o punaoa faʻatuatuaina e faʻatau ai nei teteʻe o le a matou tuʻuina ma faʻalauiloa i luga o la matou upega tafaʻilagi i totonu o le isi vaiaso pe lua, tuʻu uma vitio i luga, latou faʻamatalaga i nei vitio taʻitasi, o sina mea itiiti e uiga ia i matou, talaaga ma mea uma. Ryan o le a ave le vegan mea faaopoopo i se tulaga fou atoa. E tele mea na ou aʻoaʻoina mai ia te ia e uiga i ituaiga o meaʻai e fiafia i lau microbiome faʻapea foʻi ma le fesoasoani i lou manava e galue lelei e ala ia te ia. O le a matou faia lulu, o le a matou faia tusi. O le a tatou lavea uma. O lea e leai se autu e tasi, o le a tatou lavea uma mai se vaaiga galue. O le mea lena ua avea ai i matou ma tagata faigaluega malosi ma o le a matou kiki asini ma faia igoa e faʻaali atu ia te oe le aoga ma le mea e le aoga. [00:43:25][55.0]


[00:43:26] O le biochemistry, aua o outou e moni lava o le uiga o la'u tala, ua ou vaai i le galuega sa outou faia i le biochemistry. Ryan, sa ou tilotilo i lau 'upega tafaʻilagi. Na e maua ni mea lelei fa'aolaola ma su'esu'ega o lo'o i luga o lau 'upega tafa'ilagi. O lea ou te tulimatai atu i le malamalama tele e uiga i le vegan mechanisms o se auala e taulimaina ai au meaʻai ma au toleniga. E na'o i se pu'upu'u na'o sina fa'asologa o lena mea. O a ituaiga mea e te faia, ae maise o le a lau filosofia e tusa ai ma faiga vegan ma sina tulaga tau afeleti? Aua e seasea maua le tulaga lea o taumafa. Ma ou te le mautinoa na e feiloai i le tele o tagata i lau taʻaloga sa vegan. Ae taʻu mai ia te aʻu sina mea itiiti e uiga i lou iloa o vegan ma le auala na amata ai. [00:44:11][44.5]


[00:44:12] Ioe. E sa'o la oe. E le tele naua tagata ta'a'alo maualuga e vegan, e ui lava o se gaioiga fa'atupulaia. Ae o a'u moni lava. Sei ou faamatala vave atu le tala i le auala na ou alu ai i ai. O loʻu tausaga laʻititi la i le kolisi, a o ou i ai i le Setete o San Jose, e te iloa, sa ou taalo toetoe lava o le taʻaloga atoa, taʻaloga uma. O lea sa maualuga la'u galuega. Ae o lea na matua leaga ai o'u vae vae. Ma e manino lava sa ou i ai i le polokalame kinesiology, sa ou suʻesuʻeina faʻamatalaga ma nei mea uma ma sa ou vaʻavaʻai i le biomechanics ma sa ou manatu o laʻu biomechanics e manaia tele. O lea ou te pei, ua lelei, e le o lena. Ma o loʻo ou vaʻavaʻai i meaʻai ma mea na ou mauaina o nisi o nei meaʻai manu, aemaise lava mea e le fafagaina mutia, e te iloa, e tele a latou hormones. O nei mea uma ma susu aemaise lava, latou te ono mafai ona sili atu le ita, aua e le mafai ona ou talanoa i luga o laʻu upega tafaʻilagi. O se vaega o le mafuaʻaga ona o loʻo i ai le maualuga o le omega 6 i le omega 3 ratio, ma o le omega 6s, latou te avea ma arachidonic…� [00:45:12][60.4]


[00:45:13] Acid i luga o le biochemical pathway ona avea lea ma mole mole e ta'ua o le pg 2, lea e 100 taimi e sili atu ai le afaina nai lo le pg 3, o le mea lea e maua mai i le omega 3s. O lea la o nei omega 6 e mafua ai le tele o le mumū. Ma o le taimi lava na ou alu ai i se taumafataga atoatoa e faavae i laʻau, na ou iloa ai sa matua leaga lava oʻu vae ma ou te faʻataʻitaʻiina oe e le o le mea na teʻa atoa oʻu ivi i le tolu pe fa aso. E moni lava, sa loloto. Sa i ai se eseesega tele. [00:45:43][30.4]


[00:45:44] Ma sa ou fa'aauau pea ona iloa e le na'o a'u na maua lenei ituaiga o poto masani ma e to'atele tagata na fa'amanuiaina mai se mea'ai fa'atatau i la'au. Ma sa manino lava sa ou fiafia i meaʻai ma faaauau pea ona ou suʻesuʻeina. Ae o le ituaiga lena na ou amata ai, na ou faataitaia patino ma maua ai ni taunuuga ofoofogia. Ma, e te iloa, ua ou iloa na faʻavaveina loʻu toe faʻaleleia o loʻo ou ofuina se mea e mafai ona siaki. Na ou iloa o loʻu fatu malolo na paʻu i le tolu paʻu i le minute pe a ou faia le ki, lea na ou manatu e matua ofoofogia lava. Na oso i luga le fesuisuiai o lo'u fatu. O lea na ou vaaia ai ni suiga loloto o le tino. O lea ou te leʻi toe foʻi i tua. [00:46:20][36.2]


[00:46:21] E tatau ona ou taʻu atu ia te oe, o le mea lea ou te fia faalogo i ai. Masalo e mafai ona tatou faia i le isi mea tatou te talanoa i ai, aemaise le vegan auala i lau toleniga. Ma o se mea ofoofogia lenei aua ou te iloa, Alex, sa e faia se mea sa e faasoa mai ia te au e uiga i aso e te 'ai ai, o le maualuga o polotini ma aveese ai polotini po o aano o manufasi maualuga po o na moa pe na o polotini e faavae i manu. Ma i aso e te le toleni malosi ai, na e suia lau fuafuaga o meaʻai. O lea ou te fia aʻoaʻoina ai le tele o mea e uiga i lenei mea aua ou te manatu e taua tele le malamalama o tagata i mea o loʻo faia e outou tama o loʻo i luma o le aʻoaʻoina o vailaʻau i aso nei. O lea ou te tulimatai atu i le mauaina o outou alii. Ou te fia faafetai atu ia te outou alii i lenei aso mo le faaaogaina o lenei taimi. Ma ua fai si malosi, ae o le mea moni na maua ai e tagata se malamalamaaga i le mea o loʻo tupu. Ma ou te faʻamoemoe o tagata taʻitoʻatasi e matamata i lenei mea na latou aʻoaʻoina se mea ma mafai ona ave i se isi tulaga. Ose taimi ofoofogia tele lenei. O le taimi lea na taofia ai i matou, e pei ona taʻua, ma ua matou maua ai ni manatu fatufatuaʻi. E i ai ni upu po o ni manatu mai ia te outou alii ae tatou te lei tuua tama? [00:47:24][63.2]


[00:47:27] Ua matou sauni�mo fa'amatalaga. [00:47:27][0.5]


[00:47:29] Ou te talisapaia oe mo le taliaina o aʻu. Oi, leai. O le a matou faia lenei mea. O lea ua fa'atulaga outou i le isi, ua uma ona fa'asalalau. Ou te manatu o le vaiaso a sau ma o le a ou fesootai ma outou ma o se faamanuiaga. [00:47:38][9.3]


[00:47:38] O le a ou tuuina atu ia te outou le puega. Manuia le po. Ma faafetai mo le faasoaina atu o lou taimi. Ou te matua talisapaia oe, Ryan. Alex, mo le faʻaaluina o le taimi e aʻoaʻo ai i matou i nei mea ona ou te fia iloa ma ou te iloa o loʻo fia iloa e aʻu tagata gasegase uma le mea o loʻo tupu iinei. Fa'afetai la mo le aumaia ia i matou, tama. Ou te talisapaia. Ei, ia manuia, alii. Fa'amanuiaga, lelei? Tofa. [00:47:38][0.0]




Pepa Su'esu'ega Neurotransmitter (NTAF)

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O le Neurotransmitter Assessment Form (NTAF) o loʻo faʻaalia i luga e mafai ona faʻatumu ma tuʻuina atu ia Dr. Alex Jimenez. O isi fa'ailoga o lo'o lisiina i luga o lenei fomu e le'o fa'amoemoe e fa'aogaina e fai ma su'esu'ega o so'o se ituaiga tulaga, fa'ama'i, po'o fa'ama'i, fa'apea fo'i ma so'o se isi lava ituaiga o fa'afitauli tau soifua maloloina ma fa'alavelave.


BR - MATAUTU AUTU | El Paso, Tx (2020)

Afai na e fiafia i lenei vitio ma / poʻo ua matou fesoasoani ia te oe i soo se auala
faamolemole lagona le saoloto e te lesitala ma faasoa mai.

Faʻafetai & Faʻamanuia Le Atua.
Dr.Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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