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An automobile accident often results in minimum vehicle damage, however, on the other side of the spectrum, the injuries an individual sustains from a car wreck can be devastating. Various types of accidents can affect a person�s well-being and auto accidents are considered to be some of the most troublesome towards an individual�s health. Apart from causing financial losses, suffering a complicating injury or underlying condition as a result of the auto accident can alter an individual�s lifestyle.

First Steps After an Accident

With that intention, it�s crucial to seek professional assistance to properly manage the physical, mental and material damage an individual may have suffered after a fefaʻatauaiga o feoaiga. First, the victim of an auto accident should seek immediate medical attention to address any serious injuries as soon as possible. If the accident is minor in nature, and the vehicle itself is equipped with a first-aid kit, the individual may utilize these as a means before professional help arrives. Trauma and shock are often the biggest complications of accidents and it is crucial to treat them as early as possible. The auto accident victim must be kept calms and composed at all times to avoid further injuries.

The next essential step following an automobile accident is to immediately take the victim to the nearest medical facility available. Most frequently, those involved in a car wreck will be transported to the emergency room, or ER, where they will receive basic care for their wounds. Sometimes, the injuries sustained during the incident may appear minor and although there may be no bone fractures or open wounds, there could be the risk of soft-tissue injuries, which are not clearly visible without proper evaluations and testing. Because the professional staff of the ER are often only capable of treating immediately threatening wounds and may prescribe medications to temporarily relieve the painful symptoms following an auto accident, it�s crucial to ensure that the involved individual seeks a full examination from a qualified doctor who specializes in auto accident injuries to rule out the possibility of other, much more serious types of injuries or conditions. This could certainly prevent aggravating an injury and, in some situations, it could also make a difference between life and death.

Le Taua o le Asiasia o se Fomai

Aside from reducing the risk of further complications, there are various other reasons why it�s important to seek immediate medical attention from a car accident specialist. Healthcare professionals whom specialize in car accident injuries can help properly diagnose an individual�s injuries or conditions. According to the findings, these capable healthcare professionals can effectively plan the next course of treatment. Furthermost, many doctors and even primary healthcare centers have the required diagnostic tools for pathological tests, such as X-rays. These can be extremely useful because many injuries may not be immediately visible following an automobile accident.

For example, damage or injury to the bone, joints, muscles and ligaments, as well as complications to other types of tissues in the body, can be common after an accident, however, because these may often not result in open-wounds, they may be overlooked. If left untreated, a majority of these complications could lead to further damage or injury. Due to the tremendous force from a car wreck, fractures occur frequently. A basic X-ray, MRI or other types of scans may be needed to rule out the possibility of a bone fracture in the body.

O le tele o faʻalavelave faʻafuaseʻi e mafai ona oʻo atu ai i le faʻaleagaina poʻo le manua i totoga taua, e pei ole mama, ate, fatuga ma masani ai, le faiʻai. O feeseeseaiga o le tino, gaioiga o le loto ma manuʻa pipisi i totoga taua e mafai ona lamatia ai le ola ma e tatau ai loa ona vave taofia i le faʻaogaina o meafaigaluega faʻapitoa e iloa ai.

I isi tulaga, o le tagata ua afaina e ono manaomia le tuiina o le toto. O faalavelave matuia e mafai ona mafua ai le leiloa o le toto ma maua ai fesoasoani faafomai i le vave e mafai ai, e taua foi i nei tulaga. O fomaʻi agavaa ma le tele o falemaʻi autu o loʻo i ai le tele o le tele o le toto ma se vaega o le toto atonu e manaʻomia e se tasi pe a mavae se faalavelave faʻafuaseʻi tau taavale.

Inisiua Maualuga

A majority of auto accident victims end up filing personal injury claims under the�insurance companies in order to receive the proper compensation they need and deserve for their injuries. It’s essential for the involved victims to take photographs of the accidents. The healthcare professional providing�treatment to the affected individuals of a car crash can help provide the insurance company with the necessary information required to complete a personal insurance claim. That�s why it�s also important to seek medical attention immediately after an accident. This will help strengthen the insurance claim quite significantly. A preliminary investigation report from the police would also be needed because it will add a legal dimension to the entire accident which could additionally help get the best possible insurance claim. �For those who choose to delay their treatment, not only are they at risk of worsening symptoms from injuries or underlying conditions, if they delay their treatment further, they could have a difficult time with the insurance company.

A majority of chiropractors, as well as other healthcare professionals, are specialized and experienced in treating injuries and trauma caused by an automobile accident. Their professional approach offers some of the best treatments, whether it�s relieving pain caused by pressure being placed on the spinal nerves or numbness caused by stress being imposed on spinal nerves, chiropractors are trained to handle injuries and conditions professionally, especially automobile accident injuries.

Symptoms Following an Auto Accident

A iai se faʻalavelave faʻafuaseʻi i se tagata, o loʻo i ai le tele o faʻailoga masani e tatau ona mataʻituina. O le iai o soʻo se tasi o mea nei e mafai ona faʻaalia ai se manuaga poʻo se tulaga e tatau ai ona vave suʻesuʻeina. O faʻamaoniga sili ona taatele e aofia ai: tiga ma le le faʻavauvau i le ua, tua, ma pito i luga, lagona o le tingling and numbness i vaega eseese o le tino, vevela, gaioiga ma le leai o se malamalama.

O le nofouta i nei mea e taua e pei o nisi o nei mea e mafai ona faʻamaonia le manaʻomia mo le vave togafitiga faafomaʻi. Mo se faʻataʻitaʻiga, o le tiga ma le faʻavauvau faʻatasi ai ma le vevela e mafai ona tupu ona o le afaina i le faiʻai ona o le faʻalavelave mai le faʻafuaseʻi o le aʻafiaga o se faʻalavelave faʻafuaseʻi. O le nofouta i taunuuga o nisi o faʻamaoniga e taʻu mai ai e mafai ona fesoasoani e aloese mai tulaga e le manaʻomia.

Vaʻaia Eseese mo le Manua

O le mea e lelei ai, e tele ituaiga togafitiga ma togafitiga e avanoa e fesoasoani ai i se tagata e toe manuia mai a latou faalavelave faʻafuaseʻi tau taavale. Faʻalagolago i le ituaiga o manuʻa, o le ogaoga o le afaina ma le tulaga lautele o le ua afaina, o auala eseese togafitiga e avanoa e faʻaogaina ai le tagata.

Without a doubt, pain and other symptoms caused by injury from an auto collision is a big concern for those who suffer from these circumstances. Many doctors often prescribe pain killers or NSAIDS to help relieve the painful symptoms, however, these can have various side effects and, because they don�t directly treat the underlying issue, prescribed medications only function temporarily to reduce the pain and discomfort. Different types of injections are also available and used regularly for treating pain from trauma and other issues associated with auto accidents, however, as mentioned before, these can also have side effects and may only offer temporary relief without actually treating the problem. When it comes to finding the proper treatment in case of an auto accident, the individual must keep in mind to seek help from a specialist who can offer to restore their overall health without simply masking the issue.

O le tele o tagata tomai faapitoa i le tausiga o le soifua maloloina e faʻaaogaina se faʻataʻitaʻiga o Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy, poʻo le CFRN. O lenei faʻalavelave faigata e mafai ona aoga mo nisi tagata gasegase. CFRN e galue e ala i le faʻalavelave faʻalavelaveina o faailo na auina atu e nisi o neura i le faiʻai lea e mafai ona afua ai le tiga i tagata taʻitoʻatasi na mafatia i se faʻalavelave faʻafuaseʻi. O lenei faiga ua maua e aoga i le faaitiitia o le maualuga o le tiga o aafiaga taitoatasi lea e le mafai ona gafatia mo nisi tagata. O le tiga lea e sili atu i le tapulaa o le tapulaa e ono mafai ona oo atu ai i le matuia ma le le mautonu. O lenei mea e mafai ona oʻo atu ai i nisi faʻafitauli, ae i le tele o tulaga, e mafai ona faʻaalia ai isi mataupu e aofia ai faafitauli o le fatu ma faʻafitauli o le neurology.

Physical therapy is considered to be a common and useful primary treatment option for victims of an automobile accident. Many individuals have reported relief from their back pain, neck pain, whiplash and various other types or injuries that could impact vital organs and other types of tissues. Physical therapists may also include heat and cold therapy, according to the individual�s type of injuries. The application of heat therapy helps decrease transmissions of pain signals to the brain, increases the flow of oxygen and can help restore flexibility to the affected regions. The application of cold therapy can also help reduce pain and discomfort, but additionally, cold therapy can help decrease swelling.

Last but not least, chiropractic treatment is recognized as the most popular, alternative treatment option to care for injuries and/or conditions caused after an automobile accident. Chiropractors focus on the body as a whole by restoring the natural alignment of the spine. Chiropractors specialize on a wide variety of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions as well as nervous system dysfunctions. From neck pain and whiplash to low back pain, chiropractic care commonly utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully re-align the spine and its surrounding structures. After a thorough examination and diagnosis to determine the individual�s specific type of complications, a treatment plan may be developed accordingly to gradually rehabilitate the individual and restore their original health.

E le gata i lea, a chiropractor may also recommend several types of stretches and exercises to increase the individual�s strength, improve their flexibility and mobility and ultimately speed up the rehabilitation process. A combination of the appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises along with chiropractic treatment could be extremely useful in helping the individual overcome the hardships of an automobile accident.

Toe faʻaleleia mai Manua Faʻamomoli

Mo nisi faʻamatalaga, faamolemole lagona le saoloto e fesili atu ia Dr. Jimenez pe faʻafesoʻotaʻi mai i matou 915-850-0900 .

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Saunia e Dr. Alex Jimenez

Faʻataʻitaʻiga Tomai o Faʻataʻitaʻiga

O faʻamatalaga o loʻo i luga "Le Tausiga Sa'o pe a uma se Fa'alavelave Ta'avale"E le o fa'amoemoe e sui ai se mafutaga ta'ito'atasi ma se fa'apolofesa fa'alesoifua maloloina agava'a po'o se foma'i laiseneina ma e le o se fautuaga fa'afoma'i. Matou te fa'amalosia oe e fai fa'ai'uga fa'alesoifua maloloina e fa'atatau i au su'esu'ega ma faiga fa'apaaga ma se tagata tomai fa'apitoa tau soifua maloloina.

Blog Fa'amatalaga & Va'aiga Talanoaga

O matou fa'amatalaga lautele e fa'atapula'a ile Chiropractic, musculoskeletal, vaila'au fa'aletino, soifua maloloina, fa'asoa etiological fa'alavelave viscerosomatic i totonu o fa'ata'ita'iga fa'apitoa, somatovisceral reflex fa'ata'ita'iga fa'amanino, fa'alavelave fa'aletonu, fa'afitauli ma'ale'ale o le soifua maloloina, ma/po'o tala fa'afoma'i aoga, autu, ma talanoaga.

Matou te tuuina atu ma tuuina atu felagolagomai falema'i faatasi ai ma tagata tomai faapitoa mai matata eseese. O fa'apitoa ta'ito'atasi e fa'atonutonuina e la latou fa'apolofesa lautele o fa'ata'ita'iga ma a latou pulega fa'atulafonoina. Matou te fa'aogaina tulafono fa'alesoifua maloloina ma le soifua manuia e togafitia ma lagolago ai le tausiga o manu'a po'o fa'aletonu o le musculoskeletal system.

O a matou vitiō, pou, mataupu, mataupu, ma malamalamaga e aofia ai mataupu tau falemaʻi, mataupu, ma mataupu e fesoʻotaʻi ma tuusaʻo pe le tuusaʻo le lagolagoina o la matou faʻataʻitaʻiga masani.*

O lo matou ofisa sa taumafai lava e tu'uina atu fa'amatalaga lagolago ma ua fa'ailoa mai su'esu'ega su'esu'ega talafeagai po'o su'esu'ega e lagolagoina a matou pou. Matou te saunia ni kopi o lagolagoina suʻesuʻega suʻesuʻega avanoa i tulafono faʻatonutonu laupapa ma tagata lautele pe a talosagaina.

Matou te malamalama o matou aofia ai mataupu e manaʻomia se faʻaopopo faʻamatalaga o le auala e ono fesoasoani ai i se faʻapitoa tausiga fuafuaga poʻo togafitiga togafitiga; o lea, ia toe talanoaina le mataupu mataupu i luga, faʻamolemole lagona le saoloto e fesili Dr. Alex Jimenez, DC, pe faʻafesoʻotaʻi i matou 915-850-0900.

Ua matou o mai e fesoasoani ia oe ma lou aiga.


Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., MSACP, RN*, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, atn*


Laisene o se Fomaʻi o Chiropractic (DC) i Texas & New Mexico*
Texas DC Laisene # TX5807, New Mexico DC Laisene # NM-DC2182

Laisene ose Tausima'i Resitala (RN*) in Florida
Florida Laisene RN Laisene # RN9617241 ( Pule Nu. 3558029)
Tulaga Fa'atasi: Laisene Tele-Setete: Fa'atagaina e Fa'ata'ita'i i totonu 40 States*

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN* CIFM*, IFMCP*, ATN*, CCST
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