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Loia Falemai tua. O le loia o manu'a a le tagata lava ia o se loia e tu'uina atu le fa'amasinoga mo i latou o lo'o fai mai na manu'a, fa'aletino po'o le mafaufau, ona o le fa'atamala po'o se mea sese a se isi tagata, kamupani, lala sooupu a le malo, po'o isi vaega.

O loia o manu'a a le tagata lava ia e masani ona fa'atinoina le vaega o le tulafono ua ta'ua o le tort law. E ui lava ina a'oa'oina ma laiseneina loia mo manu'a a le tagata lava ia e fa'atino toetoe lava so'o se matata o le tulafono, e masani lava na'o mataupu e pa'u i lalo o le tulafono e aofia ai manu'a i galuega, ta'avale, ma isi fa'alavelave, mea fa'aletonu, mea sese fa'afoma'i, ma fa'alavelave fa'afuase'i.

O le faaupuga “loia a le faamasinoga” e mafai ona faasino i loia manu'a a le tagata lava ia, e ui lava o le tele o mataupu e taulimaina e loia manu'a a le tagata lava ia e faamautuina nai lo le alu i le faamasinoga ma isi ituaiga o loia, e pei o loia a le ua molia ma loia solitulafono, e aliali mai foi i faamasinoga. O le loia a le tagata lava ia manu'a e tele ona tiute i le tautuaina o ana tagata fa'atau.

O nei matafaioi e aofia uma ai tulafono faʻapolofesa ma faʻataʻitaʻiga ma tulafono faʻavae o loʻo faʻataʻatia mai e faʻalapotopotoga a le setete o loʻo laiseneina ai loia. O le taimi lava e laiseneina ai e galue faaloia e le latou asosi a loia a le setete, ua faatagaina faaletulafono loia e faila faasea faaletulafono, finau mataupu i le faamasinoga a le setete, tusia pepa faaletulafono, ma ofo atu fautuaga faaletulafono i tagata ua afaina i manuʻa. Mo tali i so'o se fesili e te ono iai fa'amolemole vala'au Dr. Jimenez ile 915-850-0900

Tomai Faʻafuaseʻi Faʻafuaseʻi: Mauaina o le Tausiga Maʻi Sili

Tomai Faʻafuaseʻi Faʻafuaseʻi: Mauaina o le Tausiga Maʻi Sili

An individual can visit their primary care doctor after experiencing injuries and aggravating a condition resulting from an auto collision. Still, the primary care doctor may or may not be adequately trained or experienced in treating auto accident injuries. Fortunately, many healthcare professionals do specialize in these types of cases.

Accidents are confusing

After experiencing a traffic collision, the first step the individual should take is to make sure they call the police following the accident. In some cases, victims of automobile accidents do not contact the police or do not receive a police report after the events. If the party at fault for the auto accident does not admit fault to their insurance company, the individual may find the insurance company denying their claim. Furthermore, it’s essential for auto accident victims to call the police right away after the incident as they could be experiencing pain and other symptoms and may require immediate medical intervention.  The right action at the right time is critical.  Try not to delay your care if needed.

Finding the right medical care

Unfortunately for many individuals, finding medical care after an auto accident can be difficult if one doesn’t know where to look or even begin. If the individual attended the emergency room following an accident, more than likely, they might have had to undergo a series of X-rays or CT scans, and they may have been released with painkillers and muscle relaxers. The individual may soon realize they are still in pain after leaving the hospital. While prescription medications are used frequently to relieve symptoms, they are only meant to function temporarily.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, CCSTmalamalamaaga:

When an individual is unexpectedly involved in an automobile accident, whether they have suffered visible injuries or an underlying condition, they must seek immediate medical attention. While getting the medical care they need and deserve is vital, finding the appropriate healthcare services can be complex, but an auto accident doctor can help improve injuries and symptoms related to auto collisions. For more information, please ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.

Vaʻai luga